288 results
Standard rules consultation no. 19: revision of standard rule sets for medium combustion plant and specified generators
We offer standard permits under the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016. These permits help reduce the administrative burden on business whilst maintaining environmental standards. Basing them on sets of standard rules means we can apply them more Responding to this consultation Information is provided throughout the online tool which you access by clicking on the Respond online link below. The consultation document and supporting information are... MoreClosed 10 June 2019 -
Draft National Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy for England
Flooding of any kind is horrendous. Erosion destroys. Flooding events are dirty, invasive, damaging, and they can kill. They can force people to leave their homes and their businesses, cause prolonged mental ill health, destroy livelihoods and natural habitats. The Environment Agency has been leading a conversation with people and organisations who are affected by or work to manage flooding and coastal change. We are now consulting on a draft strategy, which sets out a vision for a... MoreClosed 4 July 2019 -
Saltfleet to Gibraltar Point Strategy and Lincolnshire Beach Management 2020
Saltfleet to Gibraltar Point Strategy The Lincolnshire coastal flood plain has had a long history of flooding from the sea and many forms of defence are now in place including sand dunes, seawalls, rock/timber structures and beaches. By restoring beach levels lost over the year, the Environment Agency protects its hard sea defences from the impact of waves and tides. The coastline between Mablethorpe and Skegness has benefited from beach nourishment, the present... MoreClosed 25 August 2019 -
Port Clarence Landfill Site, TS2 1UE; Low Level Radioactive Waste Permit Application
We have received an Environmental Permitting Regulations application from Augean North Ltd to accept Low Level Radioactive Wastes at their Port Clarence Landfill Site in Teesside. Port Clarence has two permitted landfills one accepts hazardous waste and the other non hazardous waste both are currently authorised by Environmental Permits. This new application is to allow the disposal of low level radioactive waste in both landfills. Some Naturally Occurring... MoreClosed 31 January 2020 -
Standard Rules Consultation No.21
We are proposing three new standard rule permits in preparation for possible changes to exemptions coming from Government's consultation on " Reducing crime at sites handling waste, and introducing fixed penalties for waste duty of care ". The Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016 allow us to offer standard permits to reduce administrative burden on business whilst maintaining environmental standards. They are based on sets of standard rules that we... MoreClosed 31 January 2020 -
Variation of the Berkeley Radioactive Substances (RSR) Permit No. ZP3893SG to increase the annual limit for gaseous discharges of Tritium
This consultation will enable us to collect stakeholder views on the permit variation application submitted by Magnox Ltd for the Berkeley nuclear site, in Gloucestershire. The Berkeley nuclear site is currently in its decommissioning and remediation phase. Magnox Ltd plans to remove radioactive Intermediate Level Wastes (ILW) from three waste vaults on the site. Magnox are planning to encapsulate this waste so that it can be safely stored, pending disposal at a geological... MoreClosed 19 February 2020 -
Potential extension to the Yorkshire and North East coastal sea trout netting season
Back in 2018, the Fisheries Minister instructed the Environment Agency to investigate the possibility of extending beach netting for sea trout in Yorkshire and the North East. Last year, between June and August 2019, the Environment Agency undertook extensive trials at Amble and Alnmouth in Northumberland, South Shields in South Tyneside and Filey in North Yorkshire of modified nets to determine whether they could be used to catch sea trout preferentially to salmon. ... MoreClosed 21 February 2020 -
Standard rules consultation No.20: revision of standard rules sets for biowaste treatment
The Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016 allow us to offer standard permits to reduce the administrative burden on business whilst maintaining environmental standards. This consultation proposes revising the standard rules sets for biowaste including anaerobic digestion, composting and sewage sludge treatment. We also propose to withdraw some rule sets. There are currently 21 rule sets listed for biowaste treatment facilities. We propose to reduce the... MoreClosed 28 February 2020 -
National flood and coastal erosion risk management strategy for England
IMPORTANT INFORMATION - this page will be closed on 30 October 2020 On 25th Septmber 2020, endorsed by parliament, the national Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management (FCERM) Strategy for England was adopted and published on gov.uk . The Strategy has been developed working with over 90 organisations and there has been an extensive public consultation. The result is a final document with significant support that will result in positive changes to the... MoreClosed 30 October 2020 -
Penketh and Whittle Flood Risk Management Scheme
Update to scheme proposals December 2020 Following our last consultation event in October 2018 , The Environment Agency have been working with Warrington Borough Council to continue to develop our proposals to alleviate the risk of flooding from Penketh and Whittle Brooks. We have considered and factored in a number of the issues raised by the local residents regarding the proposals and have also needed to ensure compliance with the latest government guidance... MoreClosed 15 January 2021 -
Environment Agency charge proposal for repatriated duties - Emissions Trading Scheme
We are consulting on the proposed charging scheme for the UK Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). The Government has not yet confirmed if a UK ETS or Carbon Emissions Tax will operate from 1 January 2021. This consultation is necessary for the operation of either policy. We will not publish individual responses. This is due to the financial nature of our consultees' responses. We will publish a consultation response document which will summarise key themes on the GOV.UK website. If you... MoreClosed 29 January 2021 -
Consultation on new Environmental Assessment Levels used in air emissions risk assessments
Environmental Assessment Levels (EALs) are used by the Environment Agency to judge the acceptability of proposed emissions to air from industrial sites, and their relative contribution to the environment. EALs represent a pollutant concentration in ambient air at which no significant risks to human health are expected. In 2012 we ran a consultation to identify a new hierarchy for the derivation of EALs. You can view the consultation document and its responses here . ... MoreClosed 7 February 2021 -
Assessing new nuclear power station designs: Generic design assessment of General Nuclear System Limited UK Hualong pressurised water reactor (UK HPR1000)
The government is responsible for the UK's energy policy and its current position is set out in the December 2020 white paper, "Powering our Net Zero Future". In the white paper, the government highlights the need to address climate change urgently and it sets out the strategy for wider energy systems to achieve the UK's target of net zero emissions by 2050. New nuclear power stations are an important part of the government’s strategy to help ensure that we have secure... MoreClosed 4 April 2021 -
Standard Rules Consultation no 23: proposals for healthcare waste permits
The Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016 (EPR) allow us to make standard rule environmental permits to reduce the administrative burden on business while maintaining environmental standards. We are consulting you about a revision to the existing standard rules (SR) permit for healthcare waste SR 2008 No:24: 75Kte clinical waste and healthcare waste transfer station. This is to ensure it provides an appropriate level of environmental protection and refers to... MoreClosed 10 May 2021 -
Application to vary the Radioactive Substances Approval EPR/LB3730DK at Her Majesty's Naval Base (HMNB) Devonport, Plymouth, PL2 2BG.
The Environment Agency is the independent environmental regulator for the nuclear industry in England. We make sure that nuclear companies and the sites they operate meet high standards of environmental protection. Operators of nuclear sites in England must have a permit for radioactive substances activities from the Environment Agency under the Environmental Permitting Regulations 2016 (EPR16). The environmental permits we issue to nuclear site operators contain strict conditions... MoreClosed 27 July 2021 -
Environmental permit competence requirements: changes to technically competent manager attendance
For operators demonstrating competence through the scheme run jointly by the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM) and Waste Management Industry Training and Advisory Board (WAMITAB), we, the Environment Agency, require that sites have nominated technically competent manager(s) (TCMs) on site for a specified amount of time a week. This is called the attendance requirement. Operators who are applying for an environmental permit for a waste operation must be... MoreClosed 9 August 2021 -
Boat registration charges proposals from 1 January 2022
We are consulting on a number of things in relation to boat registration: a proposed new charging framework to ensure a consistent charge scheme across all our waterways proposed annual increases in the charges for a 3 year period from 1 January 2022 proposed changes to the requirements for registration of business boats In addition, we would like your views on some future proposals that include: online boat registration ... MoreClosed 16 September 2021 -
Review of the Water Industry National Environment Programme (WINEP)
Welcome to the consultation pages for the review of the Water Industry National Environment Programme (WINEP). The WINEP is a programme of actions that water companies will undertake to improve the environment. The actions included in a water company’s WINEP reflect the company’s obligations arising from environmental legislation such as Urban Wastewater Treatment Regulations, Water Environment (Water Framework Directive) Regulations, Bathing Waters Regulations,... MoreClosed 16 September 2021 -
Standard Rules Consultation no. 24: introduction of two new standard permits for: (a) recycling scrap metal and (b) processing end-of-life vehicles
We are the Environment Agency. We protect and improve the environment. The Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016 allow us to make standard rules permits that reduce the administrative burden on businesses while maintaining environmental standards. This consultation is about 2 new standard rules permits that will allow operators to: store and treat up to 5,000 tonnes of ferrous and non-ferrous metals each year operate a vehicle storage,... MoreClosed 20 September 2021 -
Flood Risk Management Plans 2021 - 2027
Background FRMP information We worked together with Lead Local Flood Authorities (LLFAs) and other Risk Management Authorities (RMAs) to produce draft Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMPs) for public consultation. FRMPs are strategic plans that set out how to manage flood risk in nationally identified flood risk areas (FRAs) for the period 2021-2027, and are statutory plans required by the Flood Risk Regulations 2009 . The location... MoreClosed 21 January 2022 -
Connected by Water South Yorkshire Action Plan
Connected by Water is a partnership project which includes the Environment Agency, Yorkshire Water, Doncaster Council, Sheffield City Council, Barnsley Council, Rotherham Council and the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority. Since the devastating flooding in November 2019 across South Yorkshire, our organisations have been working together to respond to the flood risk and climate emergency in South Yorkshire on a catchment scale. Flooding... MoreClosed 11 March 2022 -
Citizens’ Jury for Thames Valley (South Chilterns) - Information page
The Rethinking Water Citizens’ Jury was put together by the Environment Agency and a Local Advisory Group working with the Involve Foundation. The jury, which took place at the end of March 2021, debated local issues, shared ideas and questioned environmental experts on all aspects of the water environment. This project to involve communities in decisions about the future of their local river has taken place in the Thames Valley / South Chilterns. The Thames Valley / South... MoreClosed 1 April 2022 -
Draft river basin management plans
Welcome to the consultation on updating the river basin management plans for the protection and improvement of the water environment. We would like to get your feedback to help inform and improve this update. You can view the draft plans by following links from this consultation. Each page of this consultation introduces an area of the draft plans that we would like your feedback on. You will also have the opportunity to provide comments on any other aspects of the draft... MoreClosed 22 April 2022 -
Newlay Weir and Fish Pass
Background Newlay Weir is situated on the River Aire, in the lower River Aire valley, upstream of Leeds. Initial development in the Newlay area began with the construction of a weir and goit in the 12th century to power the corn mill at Kirkstall Abbey. The current Newlay Weir was constructed in 1690 to provide water to Kirkstall Forge Mill. The weir was listed (Grade II) in 1996 under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 for its special... MoreClosed 13 August 2022 -
Regional Flood and Coastal Committees: membership and boundary change
Regional Flood and Coastal Committees (RFCCs) are Committees established by the Environment Agency under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010. They bring together members appointed by Lead Local Flood Authorities (LLFAs) and independent members with relevant experience. There are 12 Committees in England and each has a Chair appointed by Defra. We have 2 changes to the RFCCs that we would like your views on: 1. Variation of the composition of 3 RFCCs:... MoreClosed 8 November 2022 -
Review of North East Coast (Limitation of Net Licences) Order 2012
Background: A net fishery for salmon and sea trout has been in operation in the North East of England for at least 180 years. As part of our duty to maintain, improve and develop salmon and sea trout fisheries in England, the Environment Agency has the power to licence fishing for salmon and migratory trout, and to make Orders setting limitations for the provision of net licences, known as Net Limitation Orders (NLOs). NLOs are used to secure sustainable... MoreClosed 25 November 2022 -
Tadcaster Flood Alleviation Scheme Proposals
We would like to share with you our proposals for the Tadcaster Flood Alleviation Scheme, and the Tadcaster weir fish pass. This scheme aims to enhance and upgrade the current flood defences, better protecting homes and businesses from flooding whilst also improving the water environment creating benefits for wildlife. Why does Tadcaster suffer from flooding? More Information The brewery town of Tadcaster is... MoreClosed 14 April 2023 -
End of Life Vehicles (ELV): appropriate measures for permitted facilities.
Draft guidance for regulated facilities with an environmental permit to store and mechanically treat end of life vehicles (ELVs) This draft guidance explains the standards (appropriate measures) that are relevant to regulated facilities with an environmental permit to store and treat end of life vehicles (ELVs). Current guidance exists in different places, and this provides an opportunity to refresh and consolidate existing guidance in one place. MoreClosed 17 April 2023 -
Flood Risk Management: Maintenance work – East Midlands Area
The East Midlands Flood Risk Management Area covers the cities of Nottingham, Derby and Leicester, alongside towns, villages and countryside with a population of over 3 million people, and we maintain over 1300km of watercourse to help protect the >139,000 properties at risk of flooding. This page provides information on our maintenance work along watercourses that are designated as ‘Main Rivers’ in the East Midlands Area. The Environment Agency has powers to carry... MoreClosed 30 September 2023 -
Hexham Flood Alleviation Scheme
Hexham Flood Alleviation Scheme We have developed a scheme to reduce the flood risk posed by the River Tyne and Skinnersburn to businesses and residents at the Bridge End and Tyne Mills Industrial Estates. This £6.5 million pound scheme is now complete. The scheme defences are a combination of flood walls and grass embankments along the bank tops of the River Tyne and the Skinnersburn. We expect to complete the scheme by summer 2023. ... MoreClosed 30 September 2023
288 results.
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