287 results
Onshore oil and gas regulation - information page
The Environment Agency is the environmental regulator for onshore oil and gas operations in England. We ensure that oil and gas operations are carried out in a way that protects people and the environment. We work with a number of regulatory bodies to oversee shale gas exploration in England. The leaflets below explain more about the Environment Agency’s role and some of the controls that are in place to protect people and the environment. Environment Agency regulation... MoreClosed 30 September 2023 -
Extending civil sanction variable monetary penalty powers
In April and May 2023 the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) ran a consultation on strengthening environmental sanctions . The consultation covered two areas: increasing the overall cap for variable monetary penalties in the Environmental Civil Sanctions (England) Order 2010 from its current amount of £250,000 introducing powers to issue variable monetary penalties for the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016.... MoreClosed 8 October 2023 -
Standard Rules Consultation No 27 - Proposals for a new standard rules permit for capture, treatment, and storage of biogas from lagoons and tanks
The purpose of this consultation is to introduce a new standard rules permit for operators to collect and store biogas from a lagoon or tank and upgrade that biogas to biomethane. When the biogas meets the biomethane quality protocol and can be used in vehicles or injected to the electricity grid it will no longer be considered waste. The standard rule set is supported by a generic risk assessment to ensure that the risks to the environment and human health are reduced to an... MoreClosed 9 November 2023 -
Environment Agency charge proposal for notified international waste shipments
The Environment Agency has an obligation to recover the costs of regulating waste shipments subject to notification controls (known as notified waste) through charges to waste importers and exporters. We review our charging schemes regularly and consult with the public whenever we make changes. The most recent amendments to the international waste shipment (IWS) charges took place in 2012. Waste shipment notification controls aim to protect the environment and human health during the... MoreClosed 29 November 2023 -
Yaverland Coastal Defence Scheme: Short List Consultation
The Environment Agency and Isle of Wight Council are working together to manage coastal erosion and flood risk from the sea. Climate change is bringing more frequent and severe floods and storm events. The coastal defences in Yaverland include the sea wall and groynes. The beach also provides an important role by protecting the coastline behind it. The sea wall and groynes are in a poor condition and are reaching the end of their useful life. Without intervention the risk and severity of... MoreClosed 1 December 2023 -
Shanklin Coastal Defence Scheme: Short List Consultation
The Environment Agency and Isle of Wight Council are working together to manage coastal erosion and flood risk from the sea. Climate change is bringing more frequent and severe floods and storm events. The coastal defences in Shanklin include the sea wall and groynes. The beach also provides an important role by protecting the coastline behind it. The sea wall and groynes are in a poor condition and are reaching the end of their useful life. Without intervention the risk and severity of... MoreClosed 1 December 2023 -
Environmental permit competence requirements. Changes to technically competent manager attendance – second consultation
Operators applying for an environmental permit for a ‘relevant waste operation’ must be members of (and comply with) a government approved technical competency scheme. Most existing waste environmental permit holders must also comply with a government approved technical competency scheme through the conditions in their permits. In this consultation we are asking for your views on the details of the preferred approach for calculating technically competent manager (TCM) attendance and... MoreClosed 14 December 2023 -
Castle Mill Sluice Decommissioning Project
Welcome This is the Environment Agency's information page dedicated to essential construction work at Castle Mill Sluice, on the River Great Ouse, Bedford. The Environment Agency is carrying out the decommissioning of the mechanical and electrical components of Castle Mill Sluice and replacing the three gates with a fixed weir structure. In addition, we will remove the operators bridge, this will provide aesthetic benefits and once works are complete, the bridge will be... MoreClosed 31 December 2023 -
Matlock Flood Wall
Construction Update August 2023 Jackson Civil Engineering are working on behalf of the Environment Agency to build a replacement flood defence at Matlock and reinstate flood protection from the River Derwent. Our project is being delivered in partnership with Derbyshire County Council and Derbyshire Dales District Council. Construction of the flood wall is now complete, with the entire wall and tie in sections fully cladded with locally sourced... MoreClosed 1 January 2024 -
Farlington Marshes Project Survey
The Farlington Marshes Project Team is working alongside Portsmouth City Council, Hampshire and Isle of Wight WildlifeTrust and Natural England for a sustainable solution to flood risk management at Farlington Marshes. More can be found at Farlington Marshes Project information page - Environment Agency - Citizen Space (environment-agency.gov.uk) We are seeking public opinion to gain a better understanding of how the marshes are used by its visitors. MoreClosed 19 February 2024 -
Reducing flooding in Reading and Caversham information page
Scheme update We have concluded our review of the proposed scheme for Reading and Caversham to reduce the risk of flooding to homes and businesses. This includes a review of: flood walls earth embankments a bypass channel This included a review of the scheme costs and benefits. We found that there is an increase in costs and a reduction in the economic benefits the scheme could provide. We follow the Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management appraisal... MoreClosed 28 February 2024 -
Environment Agency consultation: charge proposals for water discharges
Healthy water quality is essential to life. People, and animals all rely on it for survival. Beyond that, clean water contributes to a better environment for everyone to enjoy whether that be the stream at the end of a garden, lakes in our national parks, coastal waters, or rivers running through our towns and cities. Part of the Environment Agency’s role is to effectively regulate permit holders discharging into these waters and ensure they do this in an environmentally responsible... MoreClosed 11 March 2024 -
Park Wood information page
Welcome to Park Wood information page. We have created this page to provide easy access to information on the project. We will be updating this site as the project progresses, so please keep checking for what's new . Latest Update - March 2023 We carry out a Public Safety Risk Assessment on all our signposted footpaths in Park Wood. We will be closing a section of the footpath at the location shown below (in red) because we need to remove the board walk... MoreClosed 31 March 2024 -
Water for Tomorrow – information page
Water is a scarce and diminishing resource yet it is essential for all sectors. Future pressures such as climate change and population growth will increase the demand for water and we need to work together with partners, businesses and communities to find long-lasting solutions. Ahead of COP26, Emma Howard Boyd, Chair of the Environment Agency, said: "The climate crisis is global, but its impacts are in your village, your shop, your home. Adaptation action needs to be integral to... MoreClosed 31 March 2024 -
Mill sluices at Wainford, Wortwell and Hoxne, River Waveney Information
Update as of 24th May 2023 - On the basis that we have not received any information that we believe would make a change in ownership or maintenance responsibility unviable, our proposal was put before the April 2023 meeting of the Anglian Eastern Regional Flood and Coastal Committee (RFCC) for their endorsement as required in our Protocol for the Maintenance of Flood and Coastal Risk Management Assets. The committee supported the proposal and therefore we will shortly be formalising... MoreClosed 1 April 2024 -
Information on Clayton Hall Landfill Site, Whittle le Woods, Lancashire
We have created this page to provide easy access to information on Clayton Hall Landfill Site. Since December 2023, we have recorded an increased number of reports of odour from Clayton Hall Landfill site. We will keep the community up to date with any developments on our response to the increased reports and will share any new updates here. Please check back regularly for further information. This page was last updated on 11 April 2024 ... MoreClosed 30 April 2024 -
Derby City Council, NPS/WR/037226: Hydro Electric Power Production Consultation
We are seeking your comments on an application received from Derby City Council . The application is to vary licence serial number 03/28/48/0042/R01 to abstract water from River Derwent at Longbridge Weir in Derby between National Grid References SK 35631 36300 and SK 35649 36304 for the purpose of transferring it without intervening use to Longbridge Weir hydroelectric power scheme. MoreClosed 23 May 2024 -
Alconbury Brook Flood Alleviation Scheme - information page
Through the Alconbury Brook Flood Alleviation Scheme, we are developing a way forward to reduce the risk of flooding from the Alconbury Brook in Alconbury and Alconbury Weston. Flooding in Hamerton Road, Alconbury Weston, January 2021 Background to the scheme The Alconbury Brook catchment is relatively ‘flashy’ in comparison to the wider River Great Ouse catchment, meaning that is reacts quickly to rainfall and the onset of flooding can be rapid. ... MoreClosed 25 May 2024 -
Environment Agency charge proposals for materials facilities
Materials facilities are regulated waste operations that receive over 1,000 tonnes of waste a year and separate it into specified output material such as glass, metal, paper, or plastic to allow this material to be recycled by other facilities or persons. For operators of a materials facility, we propose to: amend the additional subsistence charge for materials facilities operations, so it better reflects costs of regulatory activity change how we bill customers for the... MoreClosed 5 June 2024 -
Fisherplace Hydro Limited, NPS/WR/040110: Hydro Electric Power Production Consultation
We are seeking your comments on an application received from Fisherplace Hydro Limited . The application is to vary licence serial number NW/075/0007/003 which authorises the abstraction of water from Fisherplace Gill at National Grid Reference (NGR) NY 32539 18184 for the purpose of power production. MoreClosed 13 June 2024 -
Programme of measures for Upper Costa Beck
Welcome to the consultation on updating the programme of measures for Upper Costa Beck. Everyone’s views are welcomed. You can respond online on this website. If you would prefer to respond using a response form, you can download one under 'related documents' below. All responses will be considered. We will publish a summary of your responses on GOV.UK following analysis of responses. The closing date of this consultation has been extended from the 3rd of June to the 24th... MoreClosed 24 June 2024 -
Holderness Drain Flood Alleviation Scheme (FAS) - Information Page
The Holderness Drain Flood Alleviation Scheme has come to an end and this page is no longer being updated. It will remain open until April 2025, for anyone wanting to read the information below. Welcome to the Holderness Drain Flood Alleviation Scheme Information Page. We have created this page to provide information on the Holderness Drain Flood Alleviation Scheme (FAS). This will reduce the risk of flooding to homes in the North Carr and Sutton areas of Hull. ... MoreClosed 30 June 2024 -
Consultation on the Environment Agency’s Enforcement and sanctions policy
This consultation closed on 16 July 2024. You can read the consultation response document on GOV.UK: Enforcement and sanctions policy updates to include UK ETS and CORSIA: Consultation response document The Environment Agency enforcement and sanctions policy has been updated to make reference to the UK Emissions Trading Scheme (UK ETS) and the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA). Annex 2 now has an updated section A to take... MoreClosed 16 July 2024 -
Fisherplace Hydro Limited, NPS/WR/042465 & NPS/WR/042466: Hydro Electric Power Production Consultation
We are seeking your comments on an application received from Fisherplace Hydro Limited. The first application is for a licence to obstruct or impede the flow of Stanah Gill at Thirlmere, Cumbria at National Grid Reference NY 32962 18802. The impounding works are to facilitate the abstraction of water for Hydroelectric power generation. The second application is for a full licence to abstract (take) water from Stanah Gill at Thirlmere, Cumbria at ... MoreClosed 15 August 2024 -
Norfolk Rivers Drainage Board , NPS/WR/040865: New impoundment licence consultation
We are seeking your comments on an application received from Norfolk Rivers Drainage Board . The application is for a licence to obstruct or impede the flow of the River Lark at Turf Lock, Mildenhall, Suffolk at National Grid Reference TL 70841 74251. MoreClosed 16 August 2024 -
Environment Agency charge proposals for boat registration from January 2025
This consultation is now closed. We received a total of 1,726 responses, and have taken these responses into consideration when finalising our response document. You can access the response document using the following link Environment Agency charge proposals for boat registration from January 2025 - GOV.UK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Environment Agency is the second largest navigation... MoreClosed 16 August 2024 -
SP11 6DB, Vitacress Salads Limited, P.5768/H/95/V001
We are seeking your comments on an environmental permit application received from Vitacress Salads Limited for Lower Link Farm Lower Link St Mary Bourne Andover Hampshire SP11 6DB We can take account of Relevant environmental regulatory requirements and technical standards. Information on local population and sensitive sites. Permit conditions by providing information that we have not been made aware of in the application, or... MoreClosed 2 September 2024 -
Toronto Close Flood Risk Management Scheme
Page created September 2023. Last updated 9 November, 2023. Background of flooding in Toronto Close, Worcester Toronto Close, Worcester has a history of flooding from the River Severn and River Teme, which influence the water level in the Laughern Brook during and after heavy rainfall. Recent flood events in July 2007 and February 2020 have highlighted that there are a number of residential properties at risk of flooding. In 2007, 16 properties... MoreClosed 21 September 2024 -
Standard Rules Consultation No 28 - Proposals for a new standard rules permit for research and development at a Part A(1) Installation
The purpose of this consultation is to introduce new standard rules to allow operators of existing installations to carry out research and development (R&D) activities for the innovation, introduction, and improvement of products and processes associated with the permitted activities. The proposed standard rules, which would be applied for by variation to an installation permit, allow the operation of time limited R&D under existing permit conditions and subject... MoreClosed 30 October 2024 -
Gooseum Rhyne Reservoir Improvement Scheme
The Gooseum Rhyne Reservoir is a flood storage area on the Congresbury Yeo River. It was classified as a reservoir in 2006 under the Reservoirs Act 1975 due to the volume of water it can hold above the adjacent natural ground. As a designated reservoir structure, the Environment Agency has the legal responsibility to ensure its continued safe operation. Following an inspection by a reservoir specialist, areas for improvements that must be made in the... MoreClosed 3 November 2024
287 results.
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