Standard Rules Consultation No 28 - Proposals for a new standard rules permit for research and development at a Part A(1) Installation
The purpose of this consultation is to introduce new standard rules to allow operators of existing installations to carry out research and development (R&D) activities for the innovation, introduction, and improvement of products and processes associated with the permitted activities.
The proposed standard rules, which would be applied for by variation to an installation permit, allow the operation of time limited R&D under existing permit conditions and subject to the rules. The rules are supported by a generic risk assessment to ensure that the risks to the environment and human health are reduced to an acceptable level for these activities.
The details of each trial under the rules must be assessed by the operator to ensure there is no release of any substance to the environment in a quantity greater than that which screens out from requiring detailed assessment under the H1 risk assessment tool . The details are notified to and agreed by the Environment Agency.
Why your views matter
The Environmental Permitting Regulations allow us to develop standard rules for certain activities. We base the rules on our understanding of the risks, and those risks being assessed and mitigated.
We are asking for your views on whether the proposed standard rules ensure that the risks to the environment and human health are reduced to an acceptable level for these activities.
We are also asking for your views on whether the standard rules for R&D work for you and your industry whilst providing the necessary protection to the environment and human health.
Give us your views
- Businesses
- Statutory organisations
- NGOs
- Elected representatives, including MPs
- Academics
- Environment Agency customers
- Operators
- Medium Combustion Plants
- Trade associations and business
- Other regulators
- Non-governmental organisations with an interest in environmental issues
- Environment Agency colleagues
- Business and industry
- Water quality
- Waste
- Permits
- Environmental permitting
- Installation
- Permit pages
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