Standard Rules Consultation No 29 - Proposals for new standard rules permit for using unbound incinerator bottom ash aggregate (IBAA) in construction as a deposit for recovery operation

Closes 3 Mar 2025

Opened 9 Dec 2024


The purpose of this consultation is to introduce a new standard rules permit for the use of incinerator bottom ash aggregate (IBAA) in specified construction activities as a replacement for virgin aggregates. 

The standard rule set only applies to IBAA (or IBAA blended with primary aggregates) produced from incinerator bottom ash (IBA) from the incineration of municipal (household and business) solid waste. The majority of IBA consists of brick, rubble, glass, ceramics and stone. 

IBA is processed to remove ferrous and non-ferrous metals and graded to produce IBAA which meets the specification of the customer and associated construction activity.  IBAA is used as an alternative to primary or quarried aggregates. 

The construction activities in which IBAA can be used are:

•           building a road sub-base

•           building a structural platform

•           pipe bedding

IBAA is a waste.  Use of IBAA as a waste recovery activity supports the circular economy.

The standard rules have been developed as a long-term regulatory intervention to replace our regulatory position statement (RPS) for the use of IBAA.   Our RPS is a short-term solution which currently expires in January 2025.  

Why your views matter

The Environmental Permitting Regulations allow us to develop standard rules for certain activities. We base the rules on our understanding of the risks, and those risks being assessed and mitigated. 

We are asking for your views on whether the proposed standard rules ensure that the risks to the environment and human health are reduced to an acceptable level for these activities.

We are also asking for your views on whether the standard rules for the use of IBAA work for you and your industry whilst providing the necessary protection to the environment and human health.


Responding to this consultation

This consultation will run from Monday 09 December until midnight on Monday 03 March 2025. We will consider all responses received by the closing date before finalising our proposals to submit for approval by government. 

Please submit your response using this online consultation tool, as it provides an easy and efficient way to respond. It will also help us to: 

  • gather all responses in one place 
  • summarise responses quickly and accurately 
  • reduce the cost of the consultation  

If you do not wish to respond using the online tool, you can download the response form (using the relevant link in the 'related' section at the end of this page) and email the completed form using the subject header 'Standard Rules Consultation No 29' to

You can also view the consultation document by clicking on the relevant link in the 'related' section at the end of this page.

Ask for a copy of the consultation document

Contact us if you would like a copy of the consultation document sent to you. You can do this by contacting our National Customer Contact Centre:
Telephone: 03708 506 506 
Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm 

Please click on the ‘online survey’ link below to answer the consultation questions.

Consultation principles

We are running this consultation in line with the guidance set out in the government’s consultation principles

If you have any queries or complaints about the way this consultation has been carried out (the process), please email


Give us your views


  • Businesses
  • Statutory organisations
  • Operators
  • Trade associations and business
  • Other regulators
  • Members of the public
  • Non-governmental organisations with an interest in environmental issues
  • Environment Agency colleagues


  • Business and industry
  • Waste
  • Permits
  • Environmental permitting