1. When we come to analyse the results of this consultation, it would help us to know if you are responding as an individual or on behalf of an organisation or group. Please select from the following options:
Please select one item
Radio button:
Responding as an individual
Radio button:
Responding on behalf of an organisation
Have your say
4. Please provide your comments on the environmental permit application received from Augean North Ltd for the Port Clarence Landfill Site.
Please write your response here:
I totally oppose the application for low level radioactive waste to be disposed of in the Port Clarence landfill site:
It is inappropriate
Teesside is not a dumping ground
If we say OK to this, what is next?
I am a resident living in Billingham and want to live without the fear of radioactive accidents resulting in a detrimental effect on the environment, people and our nature reserves in the surrounding area.
It is inappropriate
Teesside is not a dumping ground
If we say OK to this, what is next?
I am a resident living in Billingham and want to live without the fear of radioactive accidents resulting in a detrimental effect on the environment, people and our nature reserves in the surrounding area.