Environment Agency Charge proposal: fluorinated greenhouse gases and ozone depleting substances
The Environment Agency administers the fluorinated greenhouse gases (F Gas) and ozone depleting substances (ODS) online services on behalf of England, Scotland and Wales. We use an annual quota and licensing system to make sure national and international obligations are met for the levels of controlled substances being imported and exported.
Our role is to manage businesses registering on these services. This involves:
- calculating quota and managing quota transactions
- determining licence applications
- reviewing annual reports
- working with businesses and HM Revenue & Customs to ensure ongoing compliance with the scheme
- providing guidance and a helpdesk
‘Quota’ is the amount of controlled substances that can be imported or produced in England, Scotland and Wales. This is described as equivalent tonnes of carbon dioxide for F Gas, and mass for ODS.
These activities, including the information technology developed to replace the EU services, have been government funded and are free for businesses to use.
The number of businesses using the F Gas and ODS services has increased, and the government funding we receive to manage these services is no longer sufficient. We will not be able to continue providing the same level of service without introducing charges to fully recover our costs.
This consultation sets out our new charging proposals for F Gas and ODS and we invite you to share your views.
What we are consulting on
We are seeking to recover the full cost of our services through charges. We have reviewed our activities to assess the cost of delivering our services, inflationary pressures and incorporating the cost of new services that will allow us to continue to effectively regulate.
For F Gas we propose to introduce charges for:
- new registration from April 2025
- annual subsistence
For ODS we propose to introduce charges for:
- new registrations from April 2025
- new applications for import export licences and quota
- laboratory ODS service declaration (LabODS)
- annual subsistence
About this consultation
We would like your views on the proposed charges for F Gas and ODS. The consultation includes:
- this consultation document which lays out the proposals for our new charging scheme
- the draft charging scheme
- a guide explaining how we calculate our charges
The documents are available in the 'related' section at the bottom of this page.
Why your views matter
We would like you to share your views on the proposed new charges for F Gas and ODS. We welcome your feedback as it helps us to understand the impact of our proposals and make an informed decision.
Responding to this consultation
This consultation runs for 8 weeks from 19 December 2024 until midnight on 13 February 2025. We will consider all responses received by the closing date before finalising our proposals to submit for approval by government.
You can view the consultation document by clicking on the relevant link in the 'related' section at the end of this page.
Please submit your response using this online consultation tool, as it provides an easy and efficient way to respond. It will also help us to:
gather all responses in one place
summarise responses quickly and accurately
reduce the cost of the consultation
If you do not wish to respond using the online tool, you can download the response form using the relevant link in the 'related' section at the end of this page) and email the completed form using the subject header 'New charge proposals: F Gas and ODS' to enquiries@environment-agency.gov.uk.
Ask for a copy of the consultation document
Please contact us if you would like a copy of the consultation document. You can do this by contacting our:
National Customer Contact Centre
Telephone Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm: 03708 506 506
Consultation principles
We are running this consultation in line with the guidance set out in the government’s consultation principles. If you believe this consultation has not be run in accordance with these principles, please email consultation.enquiries@environment-agency.gov.uk.
Otherwise, for all other queries or complaints relating to this consultation please email enquiries@environment-agency.gov.uk
Please click on the 'online consultation' link below to answer the consultation questions.
- Businesses
- Business and industry
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