Seeking your views
4. Please provide your comments on the environmental permit application received from Silva Recycling Limited
Please provide your comments on the environmental permit application received from Silva Recycling Limited
Dear Sir/Madam
Thank you for the opportunity to contribute my thoughts on the permit for Silva Recycling Limited, Corbriggs S41 0JW.
Regrettably it is what is misleading in the information supplied more than what is in it its self.
Amenity and Accident Risk Assessment
In the site conditions much emphasis is given to the land comprising Phase 2, the paddock and office/carpark area, and that no contaminants were found in the test samples taken in 2022. This is not surprising as this land was outside the development area, and as such was not part of the active site. The land comprising Phase 1 contains Crystaline Asbestos and PAH's. The Asbestos was found at three of the test areas, and as such assumed to be across the whole of this part of the site. The operators would like to assume that any material disturbed from this area are road scrapings and as such can be used for back filling and grading. The only area that scrapings were applied was to the operatives carpark area to the North of the land that was used by Wards. No samples were ever taken from this area.
The photographs of the site buildings and local area, although dated 2022, are the same ones used in the 2019 report.
In the Groundsure report, it states that there are no Gas Main or H/V Cables within 50m of the site boundary, but both are present. The Gas Main runs along the carriageway along side the footpath, the H/V Cable runs along the opposite carriageway.
Dust Suppression
We can assume that dust will be controlled using water that has been collected from surface water run off. As most of the dust will be created during warm weather, what precautions will be implemented to avoid the potential for operatives of the adjoining sites, and local residents to ingest contaminated water spray due to the topography of the area being a bowl?
Also how do readings taken from 15Km away have any relevance to wind direction on the site in regards to the fallout of spray regarding the position of the site?
On Page 59 of the Air Quality Screening Assessment, it states that there are fewer than 10 residential properties less than 20m from the road within 200m of the site entrance. There is a row of 6 terraced houses to the West of Mansfield Road and 3 Semi-detached properties to the East. Not to mention the two Travellers sites and properties to the North West.
Fire Prevention
In the Fire Prevention Assessment it states that there are 4 Fire Hydrants in the area. In fact there are only 3. Hydrant No 1 was abandoned when the water main was replaced some years ago, and as such the nearest one is around 200m away.
Once again the problem arises of the potential for air borne contamination from steam, generated by the fire when using stored water, to both the operatives of the adjoining sites and local residents.
A question arises as to where the surface water attenuation tank will be sited owing to the fact it was omitted from its original position on the plans, in the entrance/weighbridge area?
Also where will the above ground water tank be sited?
As the site is now operating under a T6 Waste Exemption Permit, what Fire prevention Plans are in operation, as these two sources are not available?
As stated previously, the Groundsure survey states there are no Gas Mains or H/V Cables within 50m of the boundary, but both run along the highway.
Already there have been complaints regarding the unloading of lorries and the crushing and moving timber into the holding bays with a loading shovel, this is before any shredding has taken place.
Within the Noise Assessment it is noted that the monitoring equipment was placed in the paddock to assess the background noise, but in one photograph it is on the access road junction.
There are noise levels given for a shredder with generator, and HGV deliveries taken from technical data. But in the reading it is shredders plural, and the method of working gives the impression that there will be one for primary shredding and a second for the final chipping. There is no data for the screening and metal extraction, the movement of materials around the site from its pre-treatment to pre-shredding, on to the shredder and finally the storage bays prior to removal, all of which contribute to the accumulative impact of noise.
Although the site its self is not in a flood zone, the adjacent sites and the properties to the East of Mansfield road are. We suffer from both surface water flooding, because of the failure of the Golf Course to maintain the condition of their drainage ditch that connects to both their land and surface water drainage system. This causes flooding to the highway and subsequent wash over from vehicles of the standing water into the gardens at the rear of our properties and as we have a pumping station situated here there is the potential of overloading the sewage system. Because the gardens to the rear of our properties are some 2m below the road level we suffer from groundwater flooding due to the height of the water table.
The adjoining sites have the potential for surface water run off from this site.
Redacted text
Thank you for the opportunity to contribute my thoughts on the permit for Silva Recycling Limited, Corbriggs S41 0JW.
Regrettably it is what is misleading in the information supplied more than what is in it its self.
Amenity and Accident Risk Assessment
In the site conditions much emphasis is given to the land comprising Phase 2, the paddock and office/carpark area, and that no contaminants were found in the test samples taken in 2022. This is not surprising as this land was outside the development area, and as such was not part of the active site. The land comprising Phase 1 contains Crystaline Asbestos and PAH's. The Asbestos was found at three of the test areas, and as such assumed to be across the whole of this part of the site. The operators would like to assume that any material disturbed from this area are road scrapings and as such can be used for back filling and grading. The only area that scrapings were applied was to the operatives carpark area to the North of the land that was used by Wards. No samples were ever taken from this area.
The photographs of the site buildings and local area, although dated 2022, are the same ones used in the 2019 report.
In the Groundsure report, it states that there are no Gas Main or H/V Cables within 50m of the site boundary, but both are present. The Gas Main runs along the carriageway along side the footpath, the H/V Cable runs along the opposite carriageway.
Dust Suppression
We can assume that dust will be controlled using water that has been collected from surface water run off. As most of the dust will be created during warm weather, what precautions will be implemented to avoid the potential for operatives of the adjoining sites, and local residents to ingest contaminated water spray due to the topography of the area being a bowl?
Also how do readings taken from 15Km away have any relevance to wind direction on the site in regards to the fallout of spray regarding the position of the site?
On Page 59 of the Air Quality Screening Assessment, it states that there are fewer than 10 residential properties less than 20m from the road within 200m of the site entrance. There is a row of 6 terraced houses to the West of Mansfield Road and 3 Semi-detached properties to the East. Not to mention the two Travellers sites and properties to the North West.
Fire Prevention
In the Fire Prevention Assessment it states that there are 4 Fire Hydrants in the area. In fact there are only 3. Hydrant No 1 was abandoned when the water main was replaced some years ago, and as such the nearest one is around 200m away.
Once again the problem arises of the potential for air borne contamination from steam, generated by the fire when using stored water, to both the operatives of the adjoining sites and local residents.
A question arises as to where the surface water attenuation tank will be sited owing to the fact it was omitted from its original position on the plans, in the entrance/weighbridge area?
Also where will the above ground water tank be sited?
As the site is now operating under a T6 Waste Exemption Permit, what Fire prevention Plans are in operation, as these two sources are not available?
As stated previously, the Groundsure survey states there are no Gas Mains or H/V Cables within 50m of the boundary, but both run along the highway.
Already there have been complaints regarding the unloading of lorries and the crushing and moving timber into the holding bays with a loading shovel, this is before any shredding has taken place.
Within the Noise Assessment it is noted that the monitoring equipment was placed in the paddock to assess the background noise, but in one photograph it is on the access road junction.
There are noise levels given for a shredder with generator, and HGV deliveries taken from technical data. But in the reading it is shredders plural, and the method of working gives the impression that there will be one for primary shredding and a second for the final chipping. There is no data for the screening and metal extraction, the movement of materials around the site from its pre-treatment to pre-shredding, on to the shredder and finally the storage bays prior to removal, all of which contribute to the accumulative impact of noise.
Although the site its self is not in a flood zone, the adjacent sites and the properties to the East of Mansfield road are. We suffer from both surface water flooding, because of the failure of the Golf Course to maintain the condition of their drainage ditch that connects to both their land and surface water drainage system. This causes flooding to the highway and subsequent wash over from vehicles of the standing water into the gardens at the rear of our properties and as we have a pumping station situated here there is the potential of overloading the sewage system. Because the gardens to the rear of our properties are some 2m below the road level we suffer from groundwater flooding due to the height of the water table.
The adjoining sites have the potential for surface water run off from this site.