Response 37922225

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4. Please provide your comments on the environmental permit application received from Port of Wisbech Limited

Please provide your comments on the environmental permit application received from Port of Wisbech Limited (Required)
The proposed site for waste storage would have an extremely detrimental impact upon the local area. It has poor infrastructure and access and this would impact in a variety of ways re transportation to and from the site.

The impact of noise and odour from traffic on site would be unacceptable in this location due to the restricted access through residential areas.

Permit conditions by providing information that we have not been made aware of in the application, or by correcting incorrect information in the application - the amount of waste is not made clear on the Environment Agency website. This is a small port which has both commercial shipping but also pleasure craft. The use of the marina would be affected if this site is permitted.

The permit itself is not published as a draft and you (the Environment Agency) say it has not yet been written. We cannot therefore see what, if any, conditions apply.