Response 368391556

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Seeking your views

4. Please provide your comments on the environmental permit application received from Port of Wisbech Limited

Please provide your comments on the environmental permit application received from Port of Wisbech Limited (Required)
I am concerned by the lack of information available regarding this. Or rather the large gaps in the limited information that is available.
I'm concerned about the way this waste is going to be stored and he potential odours from the waste, I'm concerned that this potentially goes hand in hand with the incinerator that is going ahead that the majority of wisbech does not want, that this will lead to more large vehicles passing through wisbech to get the waste from the port to the incinerator and the associated fumes, odours and pollution from these vehicles and the further strain that these large vehicles will put on our all ready damaged and pot hole ridden roads that there seems to be no money in the pot to fix without this additional wear and tear making them worse.
I'm concerned by the additional river traffic making the swing bridge at Sutton bridge turn more frequently causing further chaos and delays to the heavy traffic flow on the A17, particularly for the local residents who are already frequently inconvenienced by the bridge
..... I could go on .....
Regards concerned local resident