Response 1069180237

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4. Please provide your comments on the environmental permit application received from GRS Stone Supplies Limited

Please provide your comments on the environmental permit application received from GRS Stone Supplies Limited (Required)
Suitability of GRS as operators of the site
A key consideration that the EA has to take into account when considering whether or not to award an Environmental Permit to GRS Stone Supplies Ltd is whether or not this company is fit to be entrusted with the running of this site, which poses a considerable risk to the environment, and to the quality of life in the area around the site. It is a maxim of clinical psychologists that “the best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour”. Consequently, it is therefore significant that a Director of GRS is a Redacted text Redacted text Redacted text has been convicted at Bristol Crown Court of “Illegally supplying hazardous waste.” This is an extremely serious offence, particularly in the context of this application. The case was described by the Environment Agency as “the biggest ever hazardous waste raid conducted in the UK”. The long-running investigation of this case has been estimated to have cost the Environment Agency £2 million.
When considering this application the EA must thoroughly investigate the record of GRS, and of all of its senior management, to assess whether or not this is a company that should be enabled to operate this site, and whether the existing record of the company, its Directors and management, employees and processes raises serous concerns regarding the wisdom of trusting this company to operate this particularly environmentally sensitive site in a safe, responsible and legal manner.