Seeking your views
4. Please provide your comments on the environmental permit application received from Decharge Limited
Please provide your comments on the environmental permit application received from Decharge Limited
I strongly object to this application. It will cause untold damage to a quiet rural area. This impact will be felt at both the site itself and along the roads approaching the site, which are not appropriate for the proposed use. In addition to the impact on the natural environment (at a time where we are all urged to be doing more to conserve the countryside) there is the negative impact on those living near the proposed site in terms of noise pollution, air pollution and light pollution particularly during the winter months. Again this impact is not just at the site but along all access routes. Finally it is clear the proposed site will be visible and audible from the Great West Canal, a natural place that provides a haven for wildlife, migrating birds and a leisure facility for Tiverton and the surrounding area.