Rammey Sluice Replacement Project Information Page

Closed 30 Jun 2022

Opened 5 Mar 2021



The waterways in the Lower Lee valley include the River Lee Navigation, Old River Lea, and the Lee Flood Relief Channel (LFRC). The LFRC was built between 1949 and 1977 and is designed to carry flood water to reduce the likelihood of flooding in the Lower Lee valley. Water levels in the LFRC are controlled by a system of weirs, gates and sluices. These maintain water levels for water supply, navigation, amenity and environmental purposes while allowing flood flows to pass during storm events.

Rammey Sluice is a major flood control structure within the LFRC and is located in Waltham Abbey, Epping Forest.

What we are doing

The gates and operating equipment at Rammey Sluice are being replaced and improved as the existing ones are now reaching the end of their 50 year working life.

Failure of Rammey Sluice would result in increased flood risk and the loss of the control of upstream water levels. 

Replacing the sluice gates and their operating equipment will maintain the conveyance of storm flood flows through the structure to sustain the current level of flood management and to maintain the ability to control upstream water levels for navigation, water supply, amenity and environmental needs. 

Improving the environment

The existing sluice acts as a barrier to the free passage of fish and eels.  As part of this project a new fish and eel pass is being constructed to enable the free passage of fish around the sluice. This will help increase the length of watercourses these species can migrate along, extending their range and improving the aquatic biodiversity of the watercourses.

How will this impact you?

The works will be commencing in early spring 2021 and are expected to be completed by the end of the year. You may notice additional construction vehicles entering the site at  Highbridge Street, and occasionally off Meridian Way, Waltham Abbey. Road closures should not be required.

If you would like any further detail about any of the above information please get in touch at PSO-HNL@environment-agency.gov.uk


  • Anyone from any background


  • Flood management