Flood and coastal consultations


Find a list of open of flood and coastal risk management consultations on this page. 

Open flood and coastal consultations

  • Humber 2100+ Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report Addendum Consultation

    The Humber 2100+ partnership is working together to develop a new adaptive strategy for managing tidal flood risk across the Humber. This partnership includes 11 local authorities, the Environment Agency, internal drainage boards, and Natural England, with input from wider stakeholders....

    Closes 5 March 2025

  • Lower Witham Flood Resilience Project Survey

    Thank you for clicking on the link to take part in our short survey about the Lower Witham Flood Resilience Project. We appreciate you giving us a few minutes of your time to answer a few questions and share your thoughts about flood resilience in the Lower Witham catchment.

    Closes 30 April 2025

  • Working Together 2024

    The Environment Agency coordinates the work to implement river basin management plans and leads the work to update them at the end of the 6 year planning cycle. The next update is due in 2027. We are starting this process knowing that the legislation that sets out how river basin planning and other...

    Closes 14 May 2025

We follow the principles on consultation set out in the guidance provided by government. If you have any thoughts or queries specifically about our consultation process, please contact us at consultation.enquiries@environment-agency.gov.uk.

If you have any queries about the consultation you are participating in, then please use the contact details provided on the overview page for that consultation.