Drought: how it is managed in England
The Environment Agency has a duty to safeguard water resources in England and make sure there is enough water for people and the environment. We do this by:
regulating the abstraction of water
monitoring the environment
working with the water industry and other abstractors to ensure they manage their water supplies effectively
We monitor, assess, report and act to minimise the impact of drought on the environment, whilst balancing the needs of people and business.
The ‘Drought: how it is managed in England’ document is the updated version of the ‘National Drought Response Framework’ released in 2017. It describes:
how drought affects England
how the Environment Agency works with government, water companies and others to manage the effects on people, business and the environment
Each of the Environment Agency’s 14 operational areas also produce their own area drought plans, which serve as operational guidelines for their response to drought. The ‘Drought: how it is managed in England’ document supports the area drought plans by providing:
a strategic overview for how we manage a drought to minimise damage to the environment, agriculture and to secure essential public water supply
information for our staff, government departments and stakeholders to use in planning for and managing drought
This consultation will help us to gather feedback and input on the document, and to draw out any area-specific concerns that should be considered by our operational areas as they update their area drought plans.
Why your views matter
Our changing climate means we will see more extreme weather in the coming years – droughts are likely to become more frequent and more severe. The drought of 2022 showed just how quickly the environment, agriculture, public water supply, navigation and all society can be affected by drought.
We need to incorporate lessons learnt and other improvements to update our strategic overview of drought management in England and our area drought plans, to provide joined-up guidance that will put us in the best position to respond to the next drought.
We would like to hear:
- your feedback and suggestions on the ‘Drought – How we manage it in England’ document
- your views and comments on how we respond to drought at a local level
Scope of comments
We will consider comments that are related to:
- the ‘Drought: how it is managed in England’ document
- local drought management and issues as outlined in the questions
For other concerns outside of this, please email the National Customer Contact Centre at enquiries@environment-agency.gov.uk and they will forward these to the appropriate team.
Responding to this consultation
Important dates
This consultation will start on 8 November 2024 and end on 10 January 2025.
Respond by email
If you prefer, you can submit your response by email to drought.national@environment-agency.gov.uk using the response form included with this consultation on Citizen Space. Please email your response form with the subject header of ‘Consultation response: drought management framework’.
Ask for a printed version
Please contact us if you would like a printed version of the consultation document sent to you.
You can do this by contacting:
General enquiries
National Customer Contact Centre
PO Box 544
S60 1BY
Email enquiries@environment-agency.gov.uk
Telephone 03708 506 506
Telephone from outside the UK (Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm GMT) +44 (0) 114 282 5312
Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm.
How we will use your information
We will use your information to help shape ‘Drought: how it is managed in England’.
The Environment Agency will make all responses publicly available after the consultation, unless you have specifically requested that we keep your response confidential.
This includes comments received online, by email and by post unless you have specifically requested that we keep your response confidential. We will not publish names of individuals or personal data. We will publish the name of the organisation for those responses made on behalf of organisations.
We will not respond individually to responses unless you have specifically asked us to do so by providing us with an email address, in which case we will acknowledge your response. After the consultation has closed, we will publish a consultation response document on GOV.UK. We will contact you to let you know when this is available.
In line with the Freedom of Information Act 2000, we may be required to publish your response to this consultation but will not include any personal information. If you have requested your response be kept confidential, we may still be required to provide a summary of it.
Privacy notice
The Environment Agency would like to keep you informed about the outcomes of the consultation. If you would like to receive an email acknowledging your response and telling you when we have published the consultation response document, please provide your email address with your response.
By giving us your email address, you consent for us to email you about the consultation. We will keep your details until we have notified you of the response document publication.
We will not share your details with any other third party without your clear and full consent, unless required to do so by law.
You can withdraw your consent to receive these emails at any time by contacting us at drought.national@environment-agency.gov.uk.
The Environment Agency is the data controller for the personal data you provide. For more information on how we deal with your personal data please see our personal information charter on GOV.UK.
Please contact the Data Protection team at dataprotection@environment-agency.gov.uk for more information.
Consultation principles
We are running this consultation in line with the guidance set out in the government’s consultation principles.
If you have any queries or complaints about the way this consultation has been carried out (the process), please email consultation.enquiries@environment-agency.gov.uk. Otherwise, for all other queries relating to this consultation please email drought.national@environment-agency.gov.uk
What happens next
Once the consultation closes, we will publish a consultation response document on GOV.UK within 12 weeks of the consultation close date.
We will use the responses to help refine the ‘Drought: how it is managed in England’ document. We aim to have our final version published on GOV.UK and viewable in early 2025. We will also consider any feedback on local issues when updating our area drought plans in early 2025.
- Anyone from any background
- Water resources
- Drought
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