Severn Stoke Flood Risk Management Scheme

Closes 12 Oct 2027

Opened 12 Oct 2023


Flooding in Severn Stoke

The community of Severn Stoke has suffered significant flooding from the River Severn on numerous occasions, most notably in 2007, 2012, 2020, and more recently in January 2021.

Flooding affects not only homes but also key village amenities and businesses, such as the village hall, the Grade II listed 14th Century St. Denys’ Church and the Rose and Crown local pub.  The strategically important A38 highway is also periodically closed during flood events, resulting in local transport and economic disruption, not only to Severn Stoke but to other communities along the River Severn corridor.

Severn Stoke Flood Risk Management Scheme

Whilst the community is relatively small, there has been a local desire and commitment to deliver flood risk reduction works since the devastating floods in 2007, supported by a number of different organisations. The local Flood Action Group set up a Community Interest Company (CIC) and set up a partnership with a local contractor to supply material for a flood bank.

This community approach to flood risk management has resulted in the commitment of considerable partnership funding, enabling the potential for a scheme that could otherwise not have happened.

The Flood Action Group have worked closely with the Environment Agency for several years to deliver measures that would significantly reduce the risk of flooding to the community of Severn Stoke.

In 2020 an outline design for the flood risk management scheme was completed. Detailed design of the flood bank was completed in October 2021, and in December 2021 the scheme received full planning approval from Malvern Hills District Council.

J Prosser and Son Ltd working in partnership with the EA, started to import material for the flood bank in late 2022. Material continued to be imported over the winter and two good stockpiles now exist on site ready for construction. The two initial stockpiles provide approximately half of the embankment material, with the rest to be brought in during construction phase as space allows.

An archaeological dig began in February 2023 in line with the planning conditions. This work was completed in June 2023. Worcestershire County Council Archaeology Service have undertaken this work on behalf of the EA and are now reviewing their findings before they produce a final report that will be shared with the community. During the main construction phase an archaeologist will be working with the contractor to check any further finds.

The next step is the installation of great crested newt fencing, in line with the licence from Natural England before a period of newt trapping and removal. Once this is complete the construction of the earth embankments will begin, in Spring 2024.

Proposed scheme details

The current proposals have been informed by various technical assessments undertaken by the Environment Agency, BWB Consulting and Worcestershire County Council.

The scheme has been designed to reduce the risk of fluvial flooding from the River Severn, minimising the risk of surface water flooding and be sympathetic to the local environment.

Full details of the proposals are available through the Malvern Hills Planning Portal (Ref: 21/02035/FUL) but broadly consist of the following:

  1. Construction of a flood bank running in a C–shape along the western side of the village (see the plan in figure 2 below).  This embankment will vary in height relative to existing ground levels but will have a consistent top height of 14.2m (above ordnance datum).  The embankment will tie into high ground at both its most northern and southern ends.
  2. Incorporation of 4 new flapped culverts (to let surface water out whilst stopping the river coming in) to maintain existing surface water drainage through the embankment.
  3. The realignment of Ham Lane over the flood bank to ensure a consistent defence height throughout the village
  4. Environmental enhancements including a tree replacement scheme increasing the diversity of tree species, incorporation of a pollinator corridor along the dry side of the flood bank and placing of bird and bat boxes throughout the scheme area.

Please see our FAQ document here for further information.

Figure 2 - Drawing of proposed scheme layout.

Project Updates and Next Steps

We sent an update to residents in September 2023, detailing the next steps of the scheme. The residents' update can be found here.

Sharing information with you

We want to make sure that the community is engaged with the project and kept informed of progress. We will provide you with further information about the scheme in the following ways:

  • Progress updates to residents at key points in the development of the scheme
  • Regular updates to the Severn Stoke Flood Action Group
  • Updates on this webpage

If you have concerns or queries relating to the scheme, please get in touch through the email address and telephone number provided on the top right-hand side of this page.

You may call our National Customer Contact Centre during office hours on 03708 506 506 or send your query via email to

You can follow us on Twitter too at @EnvAgencyMids as we will be tweeting about the work we are doing on this scheme.

Remaining flood aware

No scheme will ever fully reduce the risk of flooding, please make sure you remain flood aware and ensure you are signed up to our flood warning service. Visit or call 0345 988 1188 to sign up to get Flood Alerts and Warnings by phone, email and/or text message.

This is a free service. Alternatively contact our Flood Resilience Engagement Advisors at

Know what to do when you receive a flood warning - use the 3 point plan.


Thank you for visiting our information page. Please keep visiting this page as we will update it regularly. This page will be open to the public until the end of construction.


Give us your views

Thank you for visiting our information page. Please keep visiting this page as we will be updating it regularly.  

Please contact us by email at: 

You can also call our National Customer Contact Centre during office hours on 03708 506 506 

You can follow us on Twitter at @EnvAgencyMids and we will be tweeting about the work we are doing on this scheme.                                               


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