Corsham Flood Risk Management Improvements on the Byde Mill Brook Information Page

Closed 31 Dec 2024

Opened 13 Sep 2021


The Byde Mill Brook currently flows through a culvert (pipe) underneath many properties in Corsham.  The amount of water it can hold is limited and, due to its age, is in need of repair.

This summer (2021) we have begun work on considering flood management options for the Byde Mill Brook area, in the centre of Corsham.  This is called an appraisal process.  The work will tell us of the extent of any problems, both now and in the future, as well as considering what may be possible to reduce the risk in this area.  It will provide an initial assessment of the costs and we will need to work with partners on sources of funding to undertake any future works.

Indicative line of the culvert

This first phase of the appraisal process will be continuing throughout 2021 and we are expecting it to be completed by spring 2022.

In spring 2021, we re-surveyed the condition of the culverted section of the Byde Mill Brook, following the emergency repairs we did in 2019.  The survey highlighted that, while there are some structural issues that need addressing and some parts of the culvert are in poor condition, we have no immediate concerns.  However, we have increased our monitoring of the culvert and are prepared to respond should anything change.

We will carry out additional maintenance to reduce flood risk when required, and as resources allow.

Culvert inlet

Culvert outlet

Why your views matter

This page will be an information portal for the community and stakeholders who are interested in the Byde Mill Brook in the centre of Corsham.  We will use it to keep people informed of our, and partner organisations, progress while we consider the options to reduce flood risk.

What happens next

We (the Environment Agency) have secured funding to assess the current and future flood risk from the Byde Mill Brook in Corsham this year. We anticipate this work to be completed by spring 2022 and following this, we will further consider these options and will explore with our partners the options we have available to deliver them.

*Note: We can confirm our commitment in our Wessex Flood Risk Management team to securing any appropriate solutions to the current and future flood risk issues in Corsham as one of our priority places. However, due to the processes involved with funding and prioritisation of flood management schemes nationally we cannot offer any certainty of a timescale for delivery of improvements.

If you wish to discuss this work further please ask to speak to the Wessex Flood Risk Management Partnership and Strategic Overview team for Wiltshire on 0345 806806.


  • Members of the public
  • Elected representatives, including MPs
  • Local councils
  • Local authorities
  • District and parish councils
  • Elected representatives, including MPs
  • Members of the public
  • Flood action groups
  • Members of the public
  • Lead Local Flood Authorities
  • Local Risk Management Authorities
  • Flood Resilience Forums
  • Members of the public
  • Town and parish councils
  • Regional Flood and Coastal Committees


  • Flood management
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