Datchet to Hythe End Flood Improvement Measures - Potential Measures

Closes 31 Dec 2026

Opened 24 Nov 2023


What are the options?

We are refining our evidence and are collecting more evidence to determine how effective the measures below may be in reducing flood risk (in combination or as standalone measures). We also need to work out what might be economically viable and affordable. It is possible that the information that we collect will lead to us deciding that some of these measures will not be possible to be taken forward. Below are potential flood risk management measures that we are looking at.

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This would improve conveyance within existing open areas of the floodplain, to divert flow away from areas at risk. This type of measure could include smaller scale interventions such as removing obstructions from overland flow routes or installing pipes to allow water to flow  away from ponded areas, or larger scale measures like a flood relief channel.



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This would involve making changes to the existing River Thames channels to provide extra capacity to allow water to flow away from areas at risk. This could be achieved by modifying existing structures in the river such as gates or weirs, or by reprofiling the river channel.



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This would involve holding back water in a flood storage area during high flows and then releasing it under controlled conditions when the downstream river levels are reduced (making space for the water). This type of measure could include local flood storage, or storage across the whole upstream catchment such as that currently being considered in various locations as part of the Thames Valley Flood Scheme.

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Options could include measures to reduce flood risk at property or community level such as:

  • Property resilience measures
  • Demountable defences

This could include measures that need to be actively deployed in advance of a flood event or passive measures.

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These types of measure would need to be implemented on a larger catchment-wide scale and would help protect, restore and emulate the natural functions of catchments, floodplains and rivers. This type of measure could include interventions close to the project area and across the whole upstream catchment, as is currently being considered as part of the Thames Valley Flood Scheme.

Before land management

After land management

Before woodland planting

After woodland planting

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These measures focus on ways to improve:

  • Public awareness and education
  • Flood warning and emergency response
  • Development control and land-use planning




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This would involve the construction of engineered raised structures such as embankments or walls to provide a physical barrier between floodwater and communities (including properties and infrastructure). In some cases, it may be necessary to install pumps or install a cutoff barrier below the surface to limit the amount of groundwater flowing under the defences.


Next page: Environmental considerations and surveys


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