BH24 3PL, CEMEX UK Materials Limited, EPR/YP3642YB/A001: environmental permit consultation
Closed 14 Aug 2024
Opened 17 Jul 2024
We are seeking your comments on an environmental permit application received from CEMEX UK Materials Limited for
Bleak Hill III
Nea Road
BH24 3PL
We can take account of
- Relevant environmental regulatory requirements and technical standards.
- Information on local population and sensitive sites.
- Comments on whether the right process is being used for the activity, for example whether the technology is the right one.
- The shape and use of the land around the site in terms of its potential impact, whether that impact is acceptable and what pollution control or abatement may be required.
- The impact of noise and odour from traffic on site.
- Permit conditions by providing information that we have not been made aware of in the application, or by correcting incorrect information in the application (e.g. monitoring and techniques to control pollution).
We cannot take account of
- Issues beyond those in the relevant environmental regulations.
- Anything outside the remit of the EPR, e.g. the proposed location of the site, which is done by the local authority via land use planning.
- Whether a site should have a formal designation under Habitats Directive or other conservation legislation.
- Whether the activity should be allowed or not as a matter of principle. For example we will not consider whether wood, gas, or coal should be burnt to produce electricity; only that the options and environmental impact of say wood has been considered. We will not consider whether a waste incinerator proposal should be turned into a sorting and recycle proposal, only that the incinerator options and effect have been considered.
- Land use issues when determining a permit application, even if changing the location of the activity would improve its environmental performance.
- The impact of noise and odour from traffic travelling to and from the site.
- The legally defined process we follow to determine a permit.
- The granting of a permit/variation if the operator is able to demonstrate that they can carry out the activity without significant risk to the environment or human health.
- Environmental Permit Application Privacy Notice.pdf 102.6 KB (PDF document)
- About this consultation.pdf 112.2 KB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Non-Technical Summary - 20122022.pdf 179.6 KB (PDF document)
- WASTE - Bespoke - Bleak Hill III - Environmental Permit Application.pdf 201.6 KB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix A - Application Checklist (Additional Sheet) - 20122022.pdf 44.0 KB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix A - Form Part A - 20122022.pdf 801.9 KB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix A - Form Part B2 - Redacted - 20122022.pdf 590.2 KB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix A - Form Part B4 - 20122022.pdf 865.5 KB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix A - Form Part F1 - 20122022.pdf 888.1 KB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix A - CEMEX UK Materials - Certified Extracts Environmental Signatories - 20122022.pdf 61.3 KB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix B - Appendix B - Waste Recovery Plan - 20122022.pdf 244.5 KB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix B - Decision Notice - 20122022.pdf 161.3 KB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix B - RvD Pre-application Advice Letter - Bleak Hill III.pdf 105.6 KB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix B - Section 106 Agreement - 20122022.pdf 33.2 MB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix C - Operating Techniques - Indicative Management Systems Summary - 20122022.pdf 73.8 KB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix C - Operating Techniques - WAMITAB Landfill Continuing Competence - 20122022.pdf 95.6 KB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix C - Operating Techniques - WAMITAB Landfill Original Competence - 20122022.pdf 308.1 KB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix C - Operating Techniques - WAMITAB Non-Haz Treatment Continuing Competence - 20122022.pdf 1.3 MB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix C - Operating Techniques - WAMITAB Non-Haz Treatment Original Competence - 20122022.pdf 883.7 KB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix C - Operating Techniques Main Document - 20122022.pdf 242.1 KB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix D - Environmental Setting and Site Design - 20122022.pdf 265.8 KB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix E - Conservation Screening Report - 13052024.pdf 1.2 MB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix E - Environmental Risk Assessment - 20122022.pdf 268.5 KB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix F - Stability Risk Assessment - 20122022.pdf 800.8 KB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix G - HRA - Figure 1 - Site Location Plan - 20122022.pdf 23.2 MB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix G - HRA - Figure 2 - Topographic Survey - 20122022.pdf 448.2 KB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix G - HRA - Figure 3 - Phasing Plan FP6-206-5B - Phasing Plan - 20122022.pdf 4.1 MB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix G - HRA - Figure 4A - Restoration Proposals - 20122022.pdf 3.5 MB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix G - HRA - Figure 4B - Restoration Sections - 20122022.pdf 2.2 MB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix G - HRA - Figure 5 - Groundwater Contour Plots v2 - 20122022.pdf 2.3 MB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix G - HRA - Figure 6 - Geological Sections - 20122022.pdf 998.0 KB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix G - HRA - Figure 7 - Hydrogeological Conceptual Model - 20122022.pdf 132.9 KB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix G - HRA - Figure 8 - Surface Water Features - 20122022.pdf 24.5 MB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix G - HRA - HRA Review 2021 - 20122022.pdf 14.1 MB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix G - HRA - Hydrogeoplogical Risk Assessment - 20122022.pdf 600.5 KB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix G - HRA - Model and Result - Appendix C1 - 13052024.xlsm 1.0 MB (Office Excel 2007 XML macro-enabled workbook)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix G - HRA - Model and Result - Appendix C2 - Sensitivity Analysis - 13052024.xlsm 1.0 MB (Office Excel 2007 XML macro-enabled workbook)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix G - HRA - Model and Result - Appendix D - 13052024.xlsx 39.5 KB (Office Excel 2007 XML workbook)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix H - Gas Monitoring Data - 20122022.xlsx 35.4 KB (Office Excel 2007 XML workbook)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix H - Gas Screening Report - 20122022.pdf 299.5 KB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix I - CEMEX Environmental Monitoring Procedures - 20122022.pdf 5.0 MB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix I - Environmental Monitoring and Management Plan - 20122022.pdf 253.4 KB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix J - Dust Management Plan - 20122022.pdf 336.6 KB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Appendix J - Environmental Management Plan Daily Log - 20122022.pdf 390.5 KB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Drawings - CEMEX-B031732-BH-01 - Borehole Location Plan - 20122022.pdf 26.6 MB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Drawings - CEMEX-B031732-DMP-01 - Dust Monitoring Locations - 20122022.pdf 23.2 MB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Drawings - CEMEX-B031732-PER-01 Permit Boundary - 20122022.pdf 23.2 MB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Drawings - CEMEX-B031732-REC-01 Receptor Plan - 20122022.pdf 26.3 MB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Drawings - P2-206-4A - Layout Plan - 20122022.pdf 511.2 KB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Drawings - P6-206-5B - Phasing Plan - 20122022.pdf 4.1 MB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Drawings - P6-206-7A - Restoration Proposals - 20122022.pdf 3.5 MB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Drawings - P6-206-10 - Restoration Sections - 20122022.pdf 2.2 MB (PDF document)
- Application Bespoke - Drawings - P6-206-10A - Restoration Section - 20122022.pdf 2.8 MB (PDF document)
- Anyone from any background
- Waste
- Environmental permitting
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