Nenthead Mine Water Treatment Scheme - Project Timeline

Closes 31 Dec 2024

Opened 31 Dec 2021


What are the next steps for the Nenthead scheme?

During 2022 - we continued work to develop our design proposals and carry out surveys to improve our understanding of the local ecology and ground conditions. We shared details with the community at formal events in May 2022 and November 2022. Since August 2022, monthly informal drop-in sessions have been held at the Hive in Nenthead so that anyone can ask the project team any questions. 

During 2023 – we will continue work to develop the design for the proposed pumping station, replacement footbridge, the treatment ponds and to understand whether we can reduce the construction impact on the community by re-using existing pipelines to move the mine water up to the treatment ponds. We will also be investigating options to decrease pollution of the river by metals washed out of the mine wastes and help protect the industrial archaeology at the mine site. 

We will continue to make information available to the community and our stakeholders as our designs progress, and will be updating our project website. We held a community event in May 2023 and expect to hold another one to update residents later in the year. 

Early 2024 – we hope to submit the planning application to Westmorland and Furness Council. The council will formally consult stakeholders and give the public the opportunity to make comments on the application. The statutory time limit for a decision on this kind of planning application is normally 16 weeks unless an extended period is agreed with the applicant. 

2024 – if planning permission is granted, we would then need to appoint a contractor to build the scheme. This process will take several months and a decision to proceed will depend on the budget allocated by Government. 

2025 – The earliest date to start construction is 2025. 


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