Swan Draw Dock Information Page

Closes 30 Jun 2026

Opened 13 May 2022



Swan Draw Dock is on the northern shore of the River Thames in Hammersmith and Fulham. The draw dock forms part of the River Thames and protects the local community from flooding.

The eastern and northern walls of the draw dock are now at the end of their serviceable life and need to be repaired.

The construction phase of this project is currently planned for summer 2024.

The work is part of the Thames Estuary Asset Management 2100 (TEAM2100) Programme which is delivering the first 10 years of a programme which aims to ensure tidal walls, embankments, and barriers along the Thames Estuary continue to protect 1.4 million people and £321 billion of property from tidal flooding.

Further details

Investigations in June 2020 highlighted that the flood defence requires urgent work so it can continue to function as an active flood defence and better protect approximately 300 people from flooding.

The work will repair and stabilise the eastern and northern flood defences to help better protect the community. TEAM2100’s role is also to consider the longer-term management of these flood defences into the future, making managing the defences more cost-effective for the flood defence owners.


The project team are due on site from 26 June 2024 to commence the site set-up for the Swan Draw Dock flood defence works. Enabling works are currently scheduled for 23 July 2024 until 10 September 2024, with the main construction work scheduled to begin 15 August 2024. We currently expect the construction works to finish in summer 2026.

Draw dock enhancements

There is an opportunity as part of the project to enhance the draw dock. This could take the form of artificial rock pools attached to the side of the walls to encourage species diversity, the creation of vegetated area to encourage wildlife, and further environmental improvements. We are working with Thames21, who work with communities to improve our rivers, canals, ponds and lakes for people and wildlife, to discuss opportunities as the project progresses.


TEAM2100 submitted an application for a Lawful Development Certificate (LDC) for these works using the Environment Agency’s Permitted Development Rights. The works to the Swan Draw Dock flood defence wall qualify for permitted development under the Town and Country Planning Order 2015 Schedule 2 Part 13 Class D(b) and Schedule 2 Part 4 Class A.

The following permissions were also required:



Environment Agency

Flood Risk Activity Plan (FRAP)

Port of London Authority

River Works Licence - for works below Mean High Water Spring (MHWS)

Marine Management Organisation

Marine License - for works below Mean High Water Spring (MHWS)

London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham

Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) (footpath diversion); parking suspension; Section 50

London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham

Section 61 Noise and Vibration

London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham

Scaffolding Licence; Hoarding Licence


This is an online information page which will be regularly updated with project specific information, there is no formal consultation activity requirements for this page.


  • Members of the public with an interest in the river, the species and conservation
  • Businesses
  • Members of the public
  • Elected representatives, including MPs
  • Local councils
  • Local authorities
  • Environmental bodies
  • Land owners
  • Elected representatives, including MPs
  • Members of the public
  • Community groups
  • Environment Agency colleagues
  • Lead Local Flood Authorities
  • Local Risk Management Authorities
  • Flood Resilience Forums


  • Flood management
  • Habitats and wildlife
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