Swan Draw Dock Information Page
Updated 26 February 2025
Swan Draw Dock is on the northern shore of the River Thames in Hammersmith and Fulham, around 100 metres east of Putney Bridge. The draw dock forms part of the River Thames and protects the local community from flooding and needs repair to ensure the continued protection of the Fulham community.
The eastern and northern walls of the draw dock are now at the end of their serviceable life and need to be repaired.
The work is part of the Thames Estuary 2100 Programme looking to ensure tidal walls, embankments and barriers along the Thames Estuary continue to protect 1.4 million people and £321 billion of property from tidal flooding. Read more about why we need these tidal defences here.
The flood defence works will continue until March 2027 and include:
- Removal and replacement of the northern wall
- Remediation and strengthening of the eastern wall
- Brickwork repairs
Above: The location of Swan Draw Dock
Disruption during the two-year construction programme will be minimised through collaborative working with local residents and businesses.
During the works Willow Bank is closed. Please follow the signed footpath diversion.
To help the community keep up to date there will be:
- A project web page including rolling high-level six-month programme and detailed three-month look ahead (see below)
- A dedicated project email address
- Regular newsletters
- A dedicated project community engagement lead who will be available to answer questions and to resolve any issues.
For questions or to be included in the project mailing list, please email SwanDrawDock@Environment-Agency.gov.uk.
Above: Works programme overview to July 2025
Three-month lookahead
Below is our forward look for upcoming activities over the next three months. We will update this regularly
- Carrara Wharf residents’ drop-in session
- Community drop-in session
- Site surveys
- Vegetation clearance
- Install pedestrian and traffic diversion signs
- Initial mobilisation (compound) Welfare cabin delivery and installation (both Willow Bank and between the dock and Swan Bank Court)
- Continue site surveys
- Temporary electric supply (western dock area)
- Hoarding installation and complete mobilisation
- Trial hole adjacent to Carrera Wharf entrance (to locate Thames Water main)
- Temporary weir plate to be installed on top of weir wall to create a safe working area within the draw dock and maintain flood protection whilst northern headwall is removed.
- Deconstruct the northern headwall and carefully remove Carrera Wharf marble and provide to residents of Carrera Wharf.
- Dewater dock and transfer fish to River Thames
- Desilt dock
This is an information page only, there is no consultation. We will maintain this site throughout the project.
- Members of the public with an interest in the river, the species and conservation
- Businesses
- Members of the public
- Elected representatives, including MPs
- Local councils
- Local authorities
- Environmental bodies
- Land owners
- Elected representatives, including MPs
- Members of the public
- Community groups
- Environment Agency colleagues
- Lead Local Flood Authorities
- Local Risk Management Authorities
- Flood Resilience Forums
- Flood management
- Habitats and wildlife
- Specific projects, issues, or activity pages
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