Decarbonisation Readiness (DR) Guidance

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Closes 9 May 2026

How we will use your information

We will use your information to help shape Decarbonisation Readiness (DR) Guidance.

The Environment Agency will make all responses publicly available after the consultation, unless you have specifically requested that we keep your response confidential.

This includes comments received online, by email and by post unless you have specifically requested that we keep your response confidential. We will not publish names of individuals or personal data. We will publish the name of the organisation for those responses made on behalf of organisations.

We will not respond individually to responses unless you have specifically asked us to do so by providing us with an email address, in which case we will acknowledge your response. After the consultation has closed, we will publish a consultation response document on GOV.UK. We will contact you to let you know when this is available.

In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000, we may be required to publish your response to this consultation but will not include any personal information. If you have requested your response to be kept confidential, we may still be required to provide a summary of it.

Privacy notice

The Environment Agency would like to keep you informed about the outcomes of the consultation. If you would like to receive an email acknowledging your response and telling you when we have published the consultation response document, please provide your email address with your response.

By giving us your email address, you consent for us to email you about the consultation. We will keep your details until we have notified you of the response document publication.

We will not share your details with any other third party without your clear and full consent, unless required to do so by law.

You can withdraw your consent to receive these emails at any time by contacting us at .

The Environment Agency is the data controller for the personal data you provide. For more information on how we deal with your personal data please see our personal information charter on GOV.UK. 

Please contact the Data Protection team at for more information.

Can we publish your response? We will not include personal information.
We would like to keep you informed about the outcomes of this consultation. Would you like to receive emails acknowledging your response and/or telling you when we have published the summary of responses?