Bankwood Lane: Morris & Co (Handlers) Ltd and Eco-Power Environmental Ltd Information Page
We regulate four permitted sites in and around Bankwood Lane Industrial Estate, Rossington. It is our role to assess whether these sites are complying with the conditions in their environmental permits and not causing nuisance beyond their site boundaries. Where breaches of a permit are identified we can act and require the operator to rectify this.
City of Doncaster Council has responsibility to enforce planning matters such as operating hours, parking and the condition of the roads.
The sites which we are concentrating our efforts on are Morris and Co (Handlers) Ltd and Eco-Power Environmental Ltd.
Morris and Co (Handlers) Ltd (Morris & Co.)
Morris & Co. are permitted to operate a metal recycling site accepting no more than 75,000 tonnes of waste metal each year. Their main business at Bankwood Lane is the recovery of metal from incinerator bottom ash. They acknowledge that controlling dust and noise are their biggest environmental challenges and have committed to implementing additional mitigation measures since 2022.
Eco-Power Environmental Ltd (Eco-Power)
Eco-Power are permitted to operate a material recycling treatment site, accepting no more than 200,000 tonnes of waste each year. There is a risk of odour, litter and dust escape from the Eco-Power site. These risks have been mitigated by Eco-Power installing netting along the northern site boundary and implementing control measures in approved dust and odour management plans. These include mobile mist cannons which are used to mitigate dust emissions.
Site Location
Bankwood Lane Industrial Estate
Bankwood Lane
South Yorkshire
DN11 0PS
New Rossington Development
Adjacent and to the west of Bankwood Lane Industrial Estate, the former Rossington Colliery is under development into a new residential area. The outline planning permission was granted under ‘Former Rossington Colliery’ 12/01107/OUTA.
Complaints of flies, dust, noise and odour
In 2022 we received just over 100 reports of pollution from members of the public, mostly relating to amenity problems. There were 73 reports of flies, 10 of dust, 10 of noise and 9 of odour.
We investigated the fly complaints, which were mostly reported in August and September 2022, and found that none of the sites we regulate had fly problems on site. We worked with City of Doncaster’s Environmental Health department, who checked other potential sources including any composting and land spreading work around the New Rossington development, but they didn’t find any evidence.
In 2023 we received 131 reports of pollution from members of the public: 71 reports of noise, 34 reports of odour; 25 reports of dust and 1 report of flies. Our news below describes how we have responded to these reports.
Latest News on our regulatory work
It is the operators' responsibility to ensure they are compliant with their environmental permit. We will continue to monitor and assess their performance against their environmental permits.
Each year we carry inspections and audits at the sites we regulate on Bankwood Lane Industrial Estate.
Morris & Co (Handlers) Ltd (Morris & Co.)
Our focus in 2023 and 2024 has been on Morris & Co.’s noise and vibration and dust management plans.
April 2023
In April 2023 when we visited Morris & Co. we requested the noise mitigation measures that they had in place. The equipment which has the greatest potential to generate noise is the shredder. To contain this noise, Morris & Co. explained to us that the shredder had been fully enclosed in an acoustic cage. They also confirmed that this cage was to be lined with cork, to give additional sound absorption. The shredder and its cage are both located within the main processing building. We were able to see that this building, previously open on all sides, had been fully enclosed.
Morris & Co. also told us that they had employed a vibration consultant who was undertaking testing to establish the optimum installation of vibration proof matting for heavy equipment.
In relation to dust Morris & Co. showed us the dust suppression system they had put in place along their western site boundary. This comprises water sprays to dampen airborne dust and to stop it migrating over the site wall. Morris & Co. told us about the air quality monitoring system they would be installing to aid in the detection of dust.
During our inspection we identified one permit non-compliance. Wastes were being stored at a height greater than the containment walls, giving the potential for dust to be mobilized and carried off site. We required Morris & Co. to reduce the waste piles to compliant heights, which they did within the timescale we had given.
June 2023
When we visited Morris & Co. in June 2023 our focus was on noise and dust mitigation. Morris & Co. explained to us that work was continuing to install vibration proof matting and to add a noise and vibration monitoring system. We requested Morris & Co. notify us of the timescales to complete these works.
Morris & Co. told us that air quality monitoring equipment had been installed with adjustments being made to software so that it could be used to alert them of dust issues in real time. We noted additional dust suppression equipment had been added to extend coverage on the western boundary.
During this inspection we found no non-compliances with the environmental permit. We did however advise Morris & Co. to reconsider the location of their air quality monitoring system to optimise the detection of airborne dust escaping the site boundary.
September 2023
On 11 September 2023 we met with the Director and SHEQ Manager. They explained that they were reviewing the effectiveness of current noise mitigation measures and were intending to make improvements. They were going to double the amount of vibration proof matting, to better absorb vibration from heavy equipment. They were also going to investigate the possibility that the new walls of the main processing building may be causing sounds to rebound within it, thereby becoming amplified and louder. They had employed a new noise consultant with a view to getting better advice on what their noise monitoring data is telling them.
In the meeting we required Morris & Co. provide updated noise and dust management plans to us. We were clear to them that they need to demonstrate both their competence and commitment to controlling noise, vibration, and dust. We told them that their plans must clearly show that they understand the pollution potential of their whole site, and that they have systems in place to manage that risk effectively. We asked them to provide the plans as soon as possible, but that we expect them to update it as they complete and/or refine their mitigation measures so that it continuously remains fit for purpose and enforceable by us.
November 2023
Morris & Co. provided revised noise and dust management plans in November. We met with Morris & Co. to discuss our assessment of the plans and to explain what next steps we planned to undertake.
March 2024
We issued a Compliance Assessment Report to Morris & Co. in which we gave the actions to update their Dust Management plan. We also served a regulatory notice on Morris & Co. requiring them to update their management plans to reflect the activities undertaken onsite.
We received updated plans at the end of March 2024 and we have assessed these to reflect what the site are undertaking for amenity mitigations onsite.
April 2024
At the end of April 2024, we visited the site with a non-executive Environment Agency board member to highlight the complexities of waste activities undertaken in close proximity to residential properties.
May 2024
We were informed that the site was currently non-operational and that it would remain closed until the end of June 2024 whilst maintenance improvements were made.
August 2024
We undertook an unannounced inspection of Morris & Co. following reports of dust leaving the site. The operator was continuing to commission a new shredder. Although parts of the site were being dowsed with water, the site entrance and weighbridge were dry and dusty, and we observed dust leaving the site. We also noted that waste was being stored higher than the bays they were stored in.
We required Morris & Co. to store waste and follow the housekeeping measures that they have specified in their Dust Management Plan. We also required them to produce a management plan that sets out how they will mitigate and reduce noise, dust and other polluting emissions at times when they are not operating as normal, such as when commissioning new equipment onsite
Eco-Power Environmental Ltd (Eco-Power)
April 2023
At our unannounced inspection in April 2023, we identified two permit non-compliances. Waste was being stored in piles that were larger than set out in the approved site fire prevention plan. Wastes were also being stored outside the permit boundary.
Prior to our visit in April 2023, we undertook odour monitoring north of the site boundary. Whilst we could detect an odour, it was transient and not of an intensity or offensiveness to be considered a nuisance.
June 2023
At our inspection in June 2023, we did not detect odour on site a level likely to cause annoyance or be a nuisance beyond the site boundary.
We did, however, identify a non-compliance with the environmental permit which, in different circumstances, could have led to odour beyond the site. We found wastes (not odourous on this occasion) were not stored in the locations specified for them in the odour and dust management plans. These plans set the storage of potentially odourous and dusty wastes to be furthest from residential properties. The reason for this non-compliance was that site operatives were unaware of the odour and dust management plans, and the operational procedures detailed in them. We required EcoPower to ensure all staff were made aware of the plans, and to make copies accessible to them. EcoPower have since confirmed to us that they have done this.
At this inspection in June 2023, we also identified other permit non-compliances. Waste was being stored in piles without clear separation, and outside the permit boundary. We found parts of the site had no barrier to stop liquids draining onto unmade ground, and an IBC containing odour neutralisation liquid was being stored on unmade ground without secondary containment.
July 2023
On 25 July 2023 we held a meeting with the Director of EcoPower because we had been notified by colleagues, in another part of the country, that EcoPower would be receiving potentially odourous waste. We required EcoPower to demonstrate the measures they would have to ensure the receipt, treatment, and storage of this waste would not result in odour beyond the site boundary. Through discussions with the Director, we were satisfied that EcoPower have the competence and commitment to manage odour.
December 2023
In December 2023 we undertook an announced inspection of the part of EcoPower’s site, that is closest to residential properties on Hurrier Grove, where they had registered 8 waste exemptions. We found that EcoPower were either not undertaking the activities specified by the exemptions they had registered or, for those activities they were carrying out, they were not meeting the conditions of the exemptions.
April 2024
We removed from our public register of exempt facilities, all activities that EcoPower had registered on the land closest to Hurrier Grove. We also issued a notice requiring EcoPower to provide information on agreements to occupy the land closest to Hurrier Grove and on agreements for the removal of waste being kept on this land.
At the end of April 2024, we visited EcoPower with a non-executive Environment Agency board member to highlight the complexities of waste activities undertaken in close proximity to residential properties. We noticed no signs of odour, noise or dust during our visit.
May 2024
We undertook an audit of the quality, implementation and awareness of EcoPower’s Environmental Management System (EMS). The audit was in response to the findings of our inspections in 2023 where limitations in EcoPower’s EMS were identified as the root cause for permit non-compliances.
During the audit we identified that key sections of the EMS were absent and the awareness of the EMS and permit by staff on site was somewhat limited. We have issued a Compliance Assessment Report to Eco Power with further regulatory actions to complete, to return the operator back to compliance with their environmental permit and reduce the potential risk their operations have on the environment and community.
During the audit in May 2024, we did not detect any noise or odour likely to cause annoyance or be a nuisance beyond the site boundary.
H.W Martin Waste Limited (previously FCC Recycling (UK) Ltd)
We undertook 1 unannounced inspection of the household waste recycling centre in Rossington and found the site in good order, with no permit breaches.
How are we working with others to regulate the site?
We have worked well with City of Doncaster Council Environmental Health and Planning departments in the past to investigate problems around Bankwood Lane. We intend to continue working closely with them should we have issues in the area.
Community Engagement
During 2023 we engaged with members of the public, a local councillor and the local MP. We listened to their experiences and advised them on our role and our regulation at the sites of concern.
We aim to provide updates to key stakeholders and the public through this Citizen Space Information Page.
You can be kept up to date on future consultations by joining our stakeholder list. Please email .
Below you can view historic consultations:
Feb - Mar 2022 Morris and Co (Handlers) Ltd Environmental Permit Consultation
Newsletters have also been produced in the past to inform stakeholders of significant events or issues at the regulated sites on Bankwood Lane. Although we may produce newsletters in the future, however, this Citizen Space page will be updated to reflect the current news on Bankwood Lane. Historic newsletters and briefing notes can be found below in the 'Related' section of this page.
How to contact us
We would encourage that reports of incidents are first made directly to Morris & Co. and Eco-Power using the sites contact details below. This has the benefit of allowing the companies to be made aware of and investigate incidents without delay.
When we receive a report from members of the public to our incident hotline number, we always use the information supplied to us to gain a better understanding of the problems and potential source. However, responding individually to all requests for feedback has become a significant draw on our resource, which we would preferably use to focus on our regulatory actions. We will now look to use Citizen Space to provide the public with regular updates.
The Environment Agency Incident Hotline (0800 80 70 60) is available 24/7 for residents to call should any further issues relating to the sites occur.
Give us your views
- Anyone from any background
- Permits
- Permit pages
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