Buckden Landfill Site

Closes 31 Jan 2026

Opened 25 Jan 2024


Welcome to Buckden Landfill Site community briefing page.

As the primary regulator of Buckden Landfill, we publish this page to share information about the landfill site and to outline some of our activities to keep the public informed. We aim to provide updates monthly.

Our Role

Our role as an environmental regulator is to work with people and businesses. We provide advice and guidance and help them do the right thing for people and the environment. Where there’s a threat to people or the environment that can’t be resolved, we can use our enforcement powers, which can include prosecution.

We are responsible for granting or refusing environmental permits, setting the conditions, and making sure that permit holders comply with them.

We carry out periodic audits and inspections to check that the operators are complying with their permit conditions. We investigate complaints of odour and make sure the operator is taking measures to prevent or minimise odours offsite. If we identify a breach of permit conditions we will investigate and take appropriate enforcement action; this action can range from advice and guidance through to prosecution for serious offences.

The Site

Buckden landfill is a regulated facility that is managed and operated by Anti-Waste Ltd, also known as FCC Waste Services (UK) Limited under Permit EPR/RP3732SZ. The site accepts and disposes of non-hazardous waste.

Map indicating landfill site location.

Current Situation

We have been receiving significant numbers of malodour complaints since the end of December 2023. These generally come in large numbers when the wind direction is blowing towards the Brampton Park area.





















63 17 16 12











9 3 47 19 41      

Our Objective

Our focus at Buckden is on addressing the malodour issues, which we are doing through our regulatory interventions.

Where we identify issues at Buckden landfill site, we will direct the operator to resolve the non-compliance before taking any legal action as this can be lengthy and expensive for the taxpayer. However, we are also ensuring that any information that we gather during this time is collected and processed in a manner that will allow us to use it for enforcement purposes if required.

Any enforcement action will be taken in line with the Environment Agency’s Enforcement and Sanctions Policy. The policy outlines a range of available enforcement options that can be applied. The decision to pursue enforcement will depend on factors including (but not limited to) intent, foreseeability, financial implication, attitude, and previous history.

14/01/2025 update:

We received a total of 41 reports of malodour for December and 131 reports for January to date with significant increases noted over both weekends of 4/5 and 11/12 January.

Our officers substantiated odours on the 4 and 5 January at unacceptable levels. The site was inspected on 5 January and it was confirmed that the temporary capping works observed on 17 December had not been completed. The capping contractor was able to progress this work on 6-8 January but had to stop on 9 and 10 as the freezing conditions prevented the welding that was required.

Odour was substantiated again on 11 and 12 January and our officer attended site on 13 January to assess progress with the capping, and any other additional measures required to mitigate the odour. The operator has reported an issue with gas extraction during the morning of 11 January due to parts of the infrastructure being frozen. Normal flows and suction were resumed by 16:00 that day.

We have been told that the initial section of capping is due to be completed by the end of this week (17 January), with additional areas of capping to follow thereafter.

We installed a Mobile Monitoring Facility in Brampton in September to monitor ambient air quality. The unit will capture data over a three-month period which will be used to quantify any potential emissions and their sources.

We are engaging with the site operator to look at what additional controls are required to prevent off-site odours.

We recognise the distress this incident will be causing and appreciate that this update does not provide you with an immediate solution. Please be assured that our officers are working hard to ensure this matter is resolved as quickly as possible.

Our officers will be monitoring this situation closely through a combination of inspections, off-site odour assessments, and liaison with the operator.

Your reports provide valuable data on the nature and scale of the problem, and we appreciate the effort you take in passing them to us.

If you have questions regarding any potential health impacts of these odours please see our FAQ document at the bottom of this page.

December 2024  update

We have received 39 reports of malodour during December to date.

Our officers undertook a site inspection and off-site odour assessment on 17 December. Off-site odours were substantiated at several locations including the B1514 near Swifts Garage and the source of the odours was traced back to the landfill.

Temporary capping works were underway at the time of inspection, and the operator was installing additional gas extraction infrastructure.

November 2024 update

We have received 5 reports of malodour for Buckden landfill during December up to and including 5 December 2024.

Our officers undertook an inspection of the landfill on 29/11/24 and substantiated malodours on the landfill, and off-site. The operator has since started the installation of some additional capping which is expected to reduce the potential for malodour.

We are aware that communities across the country may have been watching the developments at Walleys Quarry Landfill Site in Newcastle-under-Lyme with interest. Please see our briefing note below for more information about the site.


Walleys Quarry update

Walleys Quarry Landfill Site is a high-profile active landfill site in Newcastle-under-Lyme operated by Walleys Quarry Ltd (WQL). The site is regulated by the Environment Agency through an environmental permit. Since early 2021, Walleys Quarry has been a site of high public, political and media interest due to air quality concerns and odour complaints.

The Environment Agency has concluded that the management of Walleys Quarry is poor and that further operation of the site may result in significant, long-term pollution.

The Environment Agency are satisfied that WQL has failed to demonstrate that it can exercise the appropriate level of control necessary to manage fugitive landfill emissions effectively, so that they do not have an adverse impact outside the site boundary therefore we issued WQL with a closure notice on 28 November 2024.    

A closure announcement was issued on 28 November 2024.

You can read more background to this on the Engagement Hub HQ page Walleys Quarry Landfill Site | Engage Environment Agency and on GOV.UK Environment Agency issues Closure Notice to Walleys Quarry Ltd - GOV.UK.

What does this mean for other problem landfill sites?

Why won’t you issue a Closure Notice at Buckden Landfill?

A Closure Notice is used as a last resort once all other enforcement options have been exhausted. Details of our current regulatory and enforcement activity can be found on the main site home page, and within the FAQ document.

Does this mean that the Environment Agency is now more likely to close down other problem landfill sites?

The Environment Agency has taken this decision about Walleys Quarry following years of regulatory and enforcement action. The EA deals with each local landfill site separately, considering a range of issues such as the permit of the site, history of compliance, and likelihood of long-term environmental damage. The decision taken at Walleys Quarry doesn’t affect decisions that may be made about the future operations of other sites.


October 2024 update

We have received 47 complaints during October. Our officers also detected malodours in the Brampton area during October.

Our officers undertook an inspection of the landfill on 23 October 2024. During this inspection we identified several discrete point sources of landfill odour. Work to address these was already underway by the site operator and were expected to be complete by the end of the month. A follow-up inspection was undertaken 31 October 2024 with improvements observed.

Further inspections will take place throughout the winter period to ensure that any other potential odour sources are identified and action plans in place to address them.

In addition to the above we have installed a Mobile Monitoring Facility in Brampton to monitor ambient air. Data will be collected over a three-month period and used to quantify any potential emissions and their sources.

September 2024 update

We received 9 reports of malodour  for August 2024, and 3 reports for September.

Disposal operations are continuing along the northeastern side of the current cell, cell 18. Temporary capping is being placed, and additional gas extraction has been installed in and around the current disposal area, both of which are part of wider odour mitigation measures employed on site.

July 2024 update

We received 12 reports of malodour for July 2024.

The site operator continues to provide regular updates to us on the works being undertaken on site to help prevent, or minimise, the risk of malodours. During July works completed on site include installation of additional gas extraction in the operational areas of site.

June 2024 update

We received 17 reports of malodour for May 2024 and 16 reports during June 2024.

We undertook an inspection and off-site odour assessment on 8 May to follow-up on the reports received at the end of April, and to check progress with improvements being made by the operator in response to our inspection of 30 April. Improvements were recorded, including installation of additional gas extraction.

April 2024 update

63 reports of malodour received during April.

Off-site odour checks on the morning of 8 April substantiated the presence of landfill odours however we were unable to determine the exact cause of these odours.

Landfill odours were also substantiated on 30 April and we were able to trace these back to an area within the operational cell, cell 18. The operator had installed some additional sacrificial gas extraction and we have advised them to take further action and implement additional measures to reduce the potential for odorous emissions in this area.

March 2024 update

22 reports of malodour received during March.

Our officers undertook an inspection on 20 March to review and discuss the odour control measures currently being employed by the site operator.

We continue to receive weekly updates from the site operator regarding actions they are taking to help prevent, or where that is not possible, to minimise malodours.

February 2024 update

On 22 January we issued an Enforcement Notice under Regulation 36 of the Environmental Permitting Regulations. This Notice included actions for:

  • Installing temporary capping on cell 18
  • Installing additional gas extraction infrastructure in cell 18
  • Reducing the leachate level in cell 18.

We undertook inspections of the site on 6 and 13 February to assess compliance against these actions and were able to confirm that they had been completed to the required timescales. The Notice was withdrawn on 16 February as all steps had been complied with.

We received 41 reports of malodour between 22-24 February. Our officer attended Brampton village on the evening of 24 February to undertake an assessment of the malodour and was able to substantiate faint landfill gas odours at several locations along the B1514. This information was shared with the site operator, and they were requested to investigate the cause. The operator found damage to gas extraction ports on wellheads in the operational cell. Temporary repairs were undertaken immediately, and new well heads are to be fitted by 1 March.  

We continue to receive weekly updates from the site operator regarding actions they are taking to help prevent, or where that is not possible, to minimise malodours. Works reported include works to permanently cap areas of temporary capping damaged by the recent storms, installation of additional sacrificial gas extraction, and increased gas extraction rates.  

January 2024 update

Our officers were able to substantiate off-site malodours on:

  • 27 December 2023
  • 4 January 2024
  • 16 January 2024
  • 17th January 2024

Inspections conducted on 10 and 17 January 2024 have confirmed the current operation cell, cell 18, to be the source of the odours they have substantiated.

During our inspections and following review of information we have received by the operator, we have identified a small number of appropriate measures that could have been taken by the operator to prevent, or where that is not practicable, to minimise the impact of the off-site odour. This has been scored as a breach of the permit on our Compliance assessment report (CAR) forms.

The operator has been supplying regular updates on the actions they are taking on site to rectify the problem, see ‘What has the Operator done?’ for more details.

On 22 January we issued an Enforcement Notice under Regulation 36 of the Environmental Permitting Regulations. This Notice sets out steps the operator needs to take and takes into account actions the operator has told us they are already taking or were/are intending to take. These actions include:

  • Installing temporary capping on cell 18
  • Installing additional gas extraction infrastructure in cell 18
  • Reducing the leachate level in cell 18.

The timescales for these actions are phased, with the last action to be completed by 20 February. We will be liaising with the operator closely to monitor their progress.

December 2023 update

We attended Brampton village on the morning of 27 December and were able to substantiate the malodours you have been experiencing. The landfill was closed for the Christmas period however we were able to contact a representative of the site operator, FCC, who attended that afternoon enabling us to undertake an inspection during which we were able to identify the likely sources of this malodour.

FCC and their contractors were on site, 28 December, to investigate further and to take steps to prevent, or where that is not practicable, to minimise the odour.

We have continued to liaise with FCC to monitor the situation and ensure appropriate action is taken.

What are we doing?

  • Regular assessments of odour to confirm the extent, severity, and source of the odours.  
  • Regular inspections of the landfill to assess the sources and underlying causes of the odour and to monitor actions being taken by the operator to address the issue.
  • Regular liaison with the site operator. This includes assessing the improvements they are implementing on site to ensure they are, and will, continue to be effective, but also looking at whether they have appropriate management systems in place for their proposed changes to operations.

Findings from all inspections are detailed within our Compliance Assessment Report Forms (CAR). We use our guidance on assessing and scoring environmental permit compliance to score permit breaches in accordance with our Compliance Classification Scheme (CCS).

The risk category and score we give a non-compliance reflects the potential impact it could have if it were not addressed promptly and adequately. The only exception is for non-compliances relating to amenity conditions - odour, dust, noise, and pests. We categorise the risk and score these according to their actual (rather than potential) impact. Further details on this can be found in our Frequently Asked Questions.

Copies of our Compliance Assessment Forms forms will be available on the public register 28 days after they are issued to the operator, a period given to them to challenge the content within the report. If they choose to challenge our report this will delay the release. Once a CAR is available on the public register, we will also provide copies on this page.

What has the Operator done?

Actions they have taken to tackle to source of the odours include:

  • Work to reduce the likelihood of emissions from around the leachate wells in cell 18
  • Increased gas extraction from the leachate wells
  • Clay material placed across the uncapped area between the leachate wells
  • Installed additional horizontal gas extraction in cell 18
  • Additional pumping to divert water away from cell 18
  • Daily balancing and monitoring of gas infrastructure within cell 18
  • Placement of additional clay cell 18

Has the operator breached their permit?

Providing the operator uses appropriate measures to prevent, or where not practical, minimise off site odour annoyance, they will not breach their permit. The landfilling of waste by its very nature is an odorous activity and therefore will generate periodic odours that can be associated with changing weather conditions; however, this should not be a sustained event.

The odours experienced by residents, and the odours substantiated by our officers, are not acceptable. We have identified sources of the odour on the landfill, and identified additional measures the operator could have taken, these are being identified in our CAR forms as breaches of the Environmental Permit.

The scores associated with these breaches of the permit will lead to an increased subsistence charge for the site and is based on the polluter pays principle.

What is the status of our legal action relating to previous odour issues?

Our legal team is reviewing evidence collected during our investigations ahead of a decision on the most appropriate enforcement response.

Concerned about the site – who to contact:

If the intensity and duration of odour is such that it is offensive to you or is affecting your lifestyle, please call our free 24-hour incident hotline number: 0800 807060.

When you call our hotline about odour please provide as much of the information as you can:

  • When you first noticed the problem.
  • How long it lasted.
  • When was it at its worst and is it still occurring?
  • Where you noticed it.
  • What were the weather conditions like.
  • What it smelt like.
  • Is the problem constant or intermittent?
  • The intensity of the odour on a scale of 1-6.

Please use our numerical intensity of the odour categories:

0 - No odour

1 - Very faint odour

2 - Faint odour

3 - Distinct odour

4 - Strong odour

5 - Very strong odour

6 - Extremely strong odour

What happens when you report a problem?

We log all calls even though we may not be able to send an officer out to the site.

Reports are passed to the operator to start investigations; personal data is never supplied on these reports. Depending on the circumstances we will also attend to assess the odour and identify any potential sources. Whilst we cannot look at all reports immediately, prompt reporting ensures that we are able to target our site visits appropriately and provides us the best chance of identifying any potential source and associated actions. 

Your reports provide valuable data on the nature and scale of the problem, and we appreciate the effort you take in passing them to us.

See our attachment section below for frequently asked questions 


  • Businesses
  • Charities
  • Statutory organisations
  • NGOs
  • Members of the public
  • Elected representatives, including MPs
  • Local councils
  • Academics


  • Environmental permitting
  • Installation
  • Specific projects, issues, or activity pages