Information on Jameson Road Landfill Site, Fleetwood, Lancashire
We have created this page to provide easy access to information on Jameson Road Landfill Site, Fleetwood, Lancashire.
We will keep the community up to date with any developments on our response to the increased reports and will share any new updates here. Please check back regularly for further information - this page was last updated on 21 February.
Consultation for permit variation
We can confirm that on 20 February the operator of Jameson Road landfill withdrew its application for a permit variation to operate a dedicated tipping bay at the site. As a result we have closed the public consultation.
Report online
Many thanks to people who have taken the time to report the odour. We encourage residents to continue to report incidents. We are currently testing an alternative way to report odour online to the Environment Agency to make the service more accessible.
These reports are treated in the same way as telephone reports. If you would like to try out this new way of reporting and provide feedback about the form you can report online here:
Sign in - Report an environmental problem – GOV.UK.
Use access code: RPSM2WX
Due to the online service currently being in Private Beta, the site is only open between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday (not including bank holidays). You can also continue report odour to our hotline 24 hours a day on: 0800 80 70 60
Community updates:
Latest update: Update - 14 February 2025
Previous Updates:
Why is this happening?
In late 2023 the Jameson Road landfill site was taken over by Transwaste Recycling & Aggregates Limited. The site holds an environmental permit to accept non-hazardous waste for disposal and it is regulated by the Environment Agency.
When a landfill site has been covered for some time, the waste starts to breakdown and generate landfill gas. When a site re-opens there is increased risk of odour and emissions due to older waste still being present.
The Jameson Road site was inactive for a long period of time, and as the landfill activity on site has restarted, some of the older waste was exposed which lead to to odours.
The Environment Agency is the primary regulator of the waste activities under the Environmental Permitting (England & Wales) Regulations.
Useful documents:
Permit Compliance
The site at Jameson Road in Fleetwood holds an environmental permit to accept non-hazardous waste for disposal and it is regulated by the Environment Agency. The environmental permit has conditions that Transwaste is required to follow to minimise impact to the people and the environment.
This includes managing the operations on site to control odour. Handling waste material does inevitably involve dealing with odorous material and may lead to occasional periods of odour; however these should not have a prolonged effect on local residents of Fleetwood and surrounding areas.
Assessing Compliance
It is our role to assess compliance with the permits and to take appropriate regulatory action if we identify any breaches. We do so by reference to our enforcement and sanctions policy and the Government’s core guidance on environmental permitting and with appropriate regard to the Regulators' Code.
Compliance Assessment Reports (CAR)
We have been asked by members of the public for copies of our Compliance Assessment Reports for the site. We promised to provide them as soon as we were able to, given the site remains under a live investigation.
Please find below the inspection reports from February 2024 – May 2024. As the regulation and investigation are still current, we may not be in a position to answer direct questions about the content of the reports.
Please note that names of officers have been removed from these documents as disclosure would breach the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA).
What is the Environment Agency doing?
We are conducting frequent site inspections, drone flights and frequent odour assessment to monitor activity and make sure that Transwaste meet the requirements of the permit and manage the risk from odour.
We will continue to keep the site under close scrutiny with a heightened level of regulation, including odour surveys, regular on-site inspections and air quality monitoring. Transwaste are aware that we expect all aspects of the Environmental Permit to be complied with and will take enforcement action if they fall below this standard.
Timeline of the actions the EA have taken:
*Please note that due to legal reasons we are unable to provide all the details of the visits and our findings at present but will as soon as we are able.
Date | Action Taken |
5/2/24 | Environment Agency visited the site and identified concerns. A letter was sent to Transwaste outlining these concerns. |
20/2/24 | EA meeting with Transwaste senior managers to seek assurance that activity will be better controlled. Measures to minimise the impact made clear to Transwaste.v |
26/2/24 | EA Officers increase compliance activity on and off the Jameson Road site. Odour checking carried out regularly within the community. |
4/3/24 | Odour run frequency increased to daily. Drone deployed for monitoring purposes. |
18/3/24 | Regulatory Enforcement Notice issued to stop use of tipping bay. |
20/3/24 | Transwaste complied with the terms of the above notice issued on 18 March |
28/3/24 | Work to install 6 new Gas wells and infrastructure was completed. |
9/4/24 | Regulatory Enforcement Notice served directing Transwaste to cover the problematic area of the landfill site by 15 May. |
12/4/24 | Community Liaison meeting |
13/5/24 | Mobile Monitoring Facility (MMF) installed in a secure location close to the landfill. See below for more information about the MMF. |
16/5/24 | A Community Liaison meeting was held at the Civic Centre in Poulton, and Transwaste were given the opportunity to outline what they are doing to reduce odour emissions at the Jameson Road site. |
24/5/24 | Regulatory Enforcement Notice served directing Transwaste install additional temporary capping of the landfill within 6 weeks. That notice also suspends the acceptance of waste for direct landfilling until the further work to reduce the risk of landfill gas emission and odour impact is delivered by Transwaste. They must meet the conditions laid out in Schedule 2 of the above notice on or before 5pm on 9 July 2024. If work is completed before the deadline, we will carry out a robust assessment at that point |
14/6/24 | Environment Agency officers carried out an inspection at the site. An area of the capping had been ripped off by the wind, but there was no noticeable odour from it at the time of the inspection. Transwaste is undertaking repair, with completion due within days. |
19/6/24 | Site inspection carried out |
4/7/24 | Site inspection carried out |
10/7/24 | Site inspection carried out |
24/7/24 | Site inspection carried out |
31/7/24 | Site inspection carred out |
6/8/24 | Site inspection carried out |
13/8/24 | Site inspection carried out |
19/8/24 | Suspension Notice lifted. The conditions to carry works have been met to a satisfactory level. |
28/8/24 | Site inspection carried out |
03/9/24 | Site inspection carried out |
04/9/24 | Site inspection and drone flight carried out |
05/9/24 |
Site inspection accompanied by members of the communtiy |
06/9/24 | EA officers attended CLG meeting |
11/9/24 | Site inspection carried out |
18/9/24 | Site inspection carried out |
2/10/24 | Site inspection carried out |
10/10/24 | Site inspection carried out |
30/10/24 | Site inspection and drone flight carried out |
14/11/24 | Site inspection carried out |
27/11/24 | Site inspection carried out |
8/01/25 | Site inspection carried out |
20/01/25 | Site inspection carried out |
28/01/25 | Site inspection carried out |
05/02/25 | Site inspection carried out |
11/02/25 | Site inspection carried out |
Air Quality Monitoring
We have now installed a Mobile Monitoring Facility (MMF) in a secure location close to the landfill. The MMF continuously monitors different substances - Methane, Hydrogen Sulphide and particulates (dust). This is not a process that provides instant real time data and takes place over a period of time. We will share the monitoring reports and information with our partners and the community as soon as we can. Whilst this MMF is now in place we would still encourage residents to contact us on the incident line should they experience odours they believe are from the site, as this will still be used to inform our approach. | ![]() |
Multi-Agency Working
We are working with partners, Wyre Borough Council, Lancashire County Council and UK Health Security Agency. Each organisation has a different role in providing advice or regulating under specific legislation Jameson Road.
- Environment Agency - We are the primary regulator of the Jameson Road (Phase 2) Landfill Site. This is done under the Environmental Permitting (England & Wales) Regulations. The site is operated by Transwaste Recycling and Aggregate Limited who hold the Environmental Permit for the site. The most appropriate way to deal with the current issues on the site is through that permit.
- Wyre Borough Council - Wyre BC have a duty for monitoring under statutory nuisance legislation. See below statement from Wyre BC.
- Lancashire County Council - Have a dual role in planning control and public health guidance.
- UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) - Provides the government and the public with health information based on evidence and information available. UKHSA have provided the latest health advice in relation to Jameson Road Landfill, please see below.
Wyre Borough Council Statement
The primary legislation for controlling odour from landfill sites is enforced by the Environment Agency. However, Wyre Council also have a duty to investigate statutory nuisance complaints. Statutory nuisance complaints occur when a nuisance prevents an individual from enjoying their property and unwanted odours can cause a statutory nuisance. In order to investigate, Wyre Council must obtain evidence of how often the odour occurs, how long it continues for and the impact it is having on the complainant at their home. It is therefore important for people to keep diary records as evidence, which Wyre officers can corroborate if they are able to carry out home visits to assess the odour at their homes.
A landfill site will always produce some type of odours, even when using the best preventative technology, and this is a legal defence in any statutory nuisance case. Wyre Council must therefore also satisfy themselves that the landfill site operatives are working towards getting these under control as quickly as possible using best available techniques.
In the case of Jameson Road, we are working as a multi-agency team identifying possible sources and then agreeing and implementing stringent measures to reduce odours from this site as quickly as possible.
Health advice from UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA)
What can I smell?
The odour pollution from landfill sites falls into two broad categories:
- The first is the waste odour. This is caused by fresh waste rapidly decomposing and tends to come from vehicles travelling to and from the site and whilst it is tipped. This is similar to the odours that are contained within a domestic bin. It poses little risk to human health and can be tackled by depositing the waste quickly and covering it with soils called “daily cover”.
- The second type of odour is landfill gas. This is gas generated by the breakdown of the waste inside the body of the landfill site. Landfill gas is mostly methane and carbon dioxide, which are odourless and colourless. However, landfill gas also contains trace components such as hydrogen sulphide that, even in very small quantities, has a strong smell of rotten eggs, which the human body is very sensitive to. Although the smell caused by the trace levels of hydrogen sulphide gas can be strong and unpleasant, it does not automatically mean that it is harmful. Our sense of smell is very sensitive and we can smell hydrogen sulphide at very low levels.
We are aware of symptoms reported within the community. These include reports of strong odours and transient health effects, such as eye and respiratory irritation. The human nose is very sensitive. Strong odours are unpleasant and can impact on wellbeing, leading to stress and anxiety. Some people may experience physical symptoms, such as nausea, headaches or dizziness, as a reaction to strong odours, even when the substances that cause those odours are not at concentrations that are directly harmful to health.
Are the smells causing or going to cause health effects?
The human nose is very sensitive. Many things have a strong smell at levels at which there are no direct harmful effects to health. However, strong smells are unpleasant and can impact on wellbeing leading to stress and anxiety. Some people may also experience symptoms, such as nausea, headaches or dizziness, as a reaction to strong smells, even when the substances that cause those smells are themselves not harmful to health. Following exposure to any substance, the adverse health effects depend on several factors, including the amount to which you are exposed (dose), the way in which you are exposed, the duration of exposure, the form of the chemical and if you were exposed to any other chemicals. The first noticeable effect of hydrogen sulphide at very low concentrations is its unpleasant odour, which may cause discomfort and some short-term health effects (as described in the paragraph above). At higher concentrations, it may cause eye, nose and throat irritation. It may also disturb sleep if experienced at night at low levels.
What should I do if I am concerned about my symptoms?
If you are concerned about your symptoms, contact your GP or call NHS 111.
What can I do to reduce my risk?
Individuals can close doors and windows whilst the smell is present and then open them to vent the smell from the premises when the smell has cleared.
What symptoms may I experience as a result of odour?
Short-term transient health effects may be experienced such as irritation to the eyes, nose and throat. People who have health conditions that affect breathing, such as asthma, may experience increased frequency and/or severity of symptoms. With continuing exposure, these effects may be prolonged but are not anticipated to continue long-term once exposure is reduced.
What can I do to reduce symptoms caused by odour?
To limit the effects of the odour as much as possible, we would advise:
- Close windows if there is an outdoor odour and open them once any outdoor odour has reduced.You could consider closing windows at night and opening them in the morning in the absence of odour.
- Ventilate your property when there is no odour outdoors.
Contact NHS 111 or your GP if you have concerns about your individual circumstances and require health advice.
What is being done to understand the potential health impact of the odour on local residents, and how long will this take?
In the case of individual sites, the Environment Agency carefully monitors the performance of a landfill site using a wide range of parameters including groundwater, surface water and air monitoring, pollution reports, the operator’s own monitoring and even aerial photography. We use all these parameters to determine the performance of the site and if we have concerns, we require the operator of the site to take steps to resolve them, promptly. If the operator of the permitted site does not respond to our concerns, we can carry out our own check monitoring and use a range of enforcement notices to force the operator of the site to take action
Reporting Odour
Many thanks to people who have taken the time to report the odour. We encourage residents to continue to report incidents to our hotline on:
0800 80 70 60
This webpage is not part of a consultation. It has been set up to give people easy access to information about Jameson Road Landfill Site. If you would like to be added to a mailing list to recieve updates then please fill out your details by clicking on the link below
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